My apologies

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Um hello it's Petra again. If you noticed, I cleared most of my message stuff up. I can't really specify why, but I'll just make myself clear. I don't feel completely comfortable of doing anything else other than reading and writing stories anymore.

I really can't explain why. You're probably wondering, if I can't say anything than 'what's the point of this post? It's just an announcement that I won't be talking much here on Wattpad, other than just thanking compliments or commenting on stories. I'm so sorry, but I don't think I'll be so active in socializing for...a while.

I'm not in a very good state right now. And let's just say I'm not free and I'm afraid. I've lost the feeling of being free and doing anything I want whenever I feel like it. I won't reply to any questions relating to this topic.

I'm really going to miss the old days, but this has to happen for the sake of myself. I won't be messaging or having long conversations with a lot of people for quite a while. I hope you understand, if you don't then forget you ever read this.

Thank you for all the support, and for everything you guys gave me all my time in Wattpad. I won't be leaving Wattpad, I just won't be socially active anymore. Once again, thank you and my apologies for this.

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