Erwin + Hange = ARMIN!?

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So this is a theory/headcanon (since I am not Rei Ryugazaki) ShortFreckledHorse and I talked about in Jean's book.

And this headcanon is based on Erwin X Hange. So it wouldn't be so productive for a lot of you so just try to understand.

It's about how Armin COULD BE THE POSSIBLE CHILD OF ERWIN AND HANGE. I know it sounds real stupid, but it's super legitimate I promise.

Let me explain. The only legit reason I can give is that Armin has a lot of Erwin and Hange's personality and complexion. Like Armin sorta has Erwin's eyebrows and the color of his hair, and he has Hange's intelligence. It's really canon.

Like I swear I even had a dream of this headcanon. This was involved with the headcanon of Armin being the only one surviving. It's that he was the one finding Grisha's basement.

He found documents hidden by Grisha, revealing all Eren and Armin's family secrets. This revealed that Eren is actually distant relatives with Isabel Magnolia, and that Hange and Erwin left Armin to his grandfather when he was a baby to join the scouts.

So yeah, type your opinions down. Thanks and Petwa out!

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