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✨Chapter one✨

"Jasmine Cartwright?"
My name was echoed across the classroom of only about twenty five students, snapping myself out of my thoughts, i raised my hand and responding with a simple monotone "Here."
The substitute for my social studies class began to shout other names out; her voice was that of an ex high school cheerleader.: annoyingly loud peppy and the so called, "center of attention."
She couldn't have been older than twenty three, meaning of course all the "man whore jocks" were drooling at the sight of her. I rolled my eyes and began scribbling the assignment in my notebook. She dotted her i's with little hearts, swirling her y's with a little curling girly style.
She giggled every time she had to erase and write the word over again.
How cute.
Her hair was dyed bleach blonde, curling perfectly at the ends.
'Definitely ex cheerleader.' I thought to myself, making a gagging sound when my best friend, Conner, voiced his opinion on how "Hot her ass is."
Hilary, my other best friend, casually twirling her golden hair and flirting with only the hottest guy in all of Ridgecrest, California; looked over at my sound, agreeing with me.
I looked down at my paper then back up at the teacher; trees began shooting up from the ground, swaying in the non existent wind.
'Oh no. Not here. Not now. '
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. The scene was imprinted on my eyelids, causing my lips to go numb and my head to droop to my desk.
I felt a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me, looking up only to see Conner with concern on his face, thankfully no one else seemed to be looking.
I gently shook off his hand and raised mine, asking for a bathroom pass. Conner and Hilary, almost in sync shot me worried expressions. I smile and waved them off, walking out of the classroom.
They were the only two who knew what happened to me. These visions. But they what they didn't know was: they were getting so much worse.
I walked into the bathroom just as my vision completely failed me. I fell to the ground, being caught by strong arms and sat against a a tree.
"Conner. Why did you follow me?" I looked up groggily, seeing a forest instead of a girls bathroom. A face formed and looked down at me, mouthing something.
By the time I could hear the words he was saying I was awake again. Completely alone on the tile floor. My breath was rapid and I patted sweat away from my forehead. I walked to the sink and splashed my face with water, checking my watch.
'Two minutes. It seems like that lasted so much longer.'
I shook my head and began to walk back to the classroom, when a tall bronze haired boy walked past me. My mouth dropped, following his stride. The words that he had said, in my dream, came back to me quickly.
"This isn't in your head, Jasmine."
My mouth stood ajar as the end of school bell rang and Hilary and Conner came rushing out, side by side, walking towards me with my stuff in their hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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