Chapter 21

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I'm pregnant? I'm pregnant! What's going to happen to me or Geoffrey's career. What will my parents say. What will management say. Why did I not wait. God I'm stupid I should have been careful. I should've waited. I walk out the restroom with tears in my eyes. Teddy was sitting down on the her bed and came running up to me.

"So are you pregnant?" She asked excited. I bit my lip and nodded. She screamed and hugged me.

"I'm going to be a auntie" she said jumping up and down.

"Yea and I'm going to be a mom" I said with no emotion whatsoever.

"Come on you have a loving family and Geoffrey is going to be by your side" I rolled my eyes when she said Geoffrey. How am I going to tell him. It's his fault anyway for not being careful.

"Can we go to bed I'm super tired" I asked teddy.

"Yea take my bed I'm going to watch a movie" I nod and change into my pjs. I'm still in shock. I mean who wouldn't be. I just found out I'm pregnant. Teddy's right I do have a loving family but I don't know how they're going to react.

"Are you sure I can stay with you?" I asked.

"No it's fine go to sleep you have a lot on your mind" I smiled and went to her room. She had a bunk bed and slept on the bottom. I would always sleep on top but that's why she said I could take her bed. I put on my pjs and drifted of to sleep forgetting about my problems I'm going to face tomorrow.


I wanted to call Jenny but I know she won't pick up. So I called teddy. She answered on the 3rd ring.



"Hey teddy it's Geoffrey can I talk to Jenny but don't tell her it's me"

"She went to bed already"

"Can you tell her to please call me back"

"Sure she needs to talk to you too"


"I can't tell you she needs to tell you sorry"

"It's fine bye and thank you for helping me"

"Anything to see my best friend happy"




I wonder what Jenny needs to tell me. I hope it's not anything about never seeing each other or she's never going to forgive me. God why was I so stupid to let Esmeralda ruin everything why didn't I tell Jenny I should have told her he first time she texted me. Jenny she's the only thing on my mind right now. What does she need to talk to me about! Wait what if I got her pregnant. That will be the best news I ever gotten. Yea she may be 19 years old and I'm 24 but that doesn't mean we won't be the best parents ever. I sound like a girl. But I don't care maybe she'll forgive me if we have a child. I wonder what she's feeling right now. Well that's just a thought of what she might say. I just hope she forgives me and we can go back to being the best couple we were according to the Latino magazine and to myself. I went to my room and got out my phone and went through twitter and replied to some of my fans. I got tired so I decided to sleep. I felt so lonely without Jenny beside me.

(Next day)

I woke and made breakfast for myself. Stacy had called me to tell me that I had an interview at 11 and it was about 10 so I should get dressed. I got my keys and was off.

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