Chapter 11

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The plane ride was long but, it was okay. I was getting my suitcase and walking around the airport since I didn't know what to do. I'm such a weirdo. I turned on my phone to call Geoffrey since I am now his official girlfriend. I called him but his phone was off. Then I noticed there were was a t.v. I noticed it la Voz kids. No wonder he didn't answer he was working. I watched as Geoffrey started singing Darte Un Beso. He was so adorable and right when he finished his performance he let a fan kiss his cheek but, I didn't mind as much since he's mine and its a fan. I stayed there until it finished. I laughed at Geoffrey's fail attempt to dance. But, for someone who didn't really know how to dance he's pretty good. I saw a guy holding up a sign with my name on it. I walked up to the guy and asked.

"Are you waiting for Jenny Bennett?" I asked

"Yes I'm really late to pick her up"

"Don't worry about let's go" he was confused at first but then realized that I was Jenny. He took me to the limo I guess Stacy had planned. The limo takes me to a pent house. I go up to the floor he said that Stacy told him I would be staying at. I swiped the card and went inside it was beautiful. It had a great view of the Eiffel Tower and the city. I absolutely love it but, I missed Geoffrey so much. I got my phone and called him. It took about 3 rings for him to pick up.



"Hey Geff"

"Hey Jen what's up?"

"Um the sky... shouldn't you know this already"

"Haha so what's wrong babe?"

"Nothing I just miss you"

"You miss me?"

"No I miss the damn bed yes I miss you"

"I miss you too"


"Why would I lie to my girlfriend?"

"Ok you got me"

"Good because I'm missing you like crazy and you"

"Aww Geoffrey hey I really uh... Got to.....go"

"Okay? Bye hermosa"


I don't know why but I couldn't tell Geoffrey that I love him. Even though I do maybe its just that we are barely starting a relationship. My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Room service" I was confused because I didn't order any room.


"Hello room service you ordered the steak"

"No I barely got here I didn't order any room service."

"Oh well is this room 507?"

"Nope it's 505"

"Oh my bad I'm sorry"

"It's alright adios"she left and started walking around the apartment. The rooms were big yes there are two rooms don't know why but there is. I got the you know biggest bedroom and started unpacking. I didn't have that much clothes but I brought a lot of make up and shower things and I also brought a bunch of my photos and frames. I started hanging them up. Well I the good thing that the apartment has a flat screen t.v and a couch. Damn it's so fancy here I have to call Stacy later to thank her.


When she hung up it hurt a little. Not because she had to go its because she didn't say she loved me back. Whatever at least I'm going to go see her today. I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to get called. I was on my phone going through twitter looking at the funny things my fans put like 'prince royce is so sexy' or 'prince royce is going to be my future husband'. I am sexy so I got no problem with it. My flight was called and I went through the whole security and searching progress and finally went to take my seat. As I sat down I turned off my phone. A girl my age sat next to me.

"Sorry to bother you but do I know you?" She asked

"I don't think so I think I would remember you" I said not in a flirt way though.

"Oh you just look so familiar" she said as she sat down.

"So where are you going?" She asked still studying my face.

"Paris" she nodded then she looked like she remembered something.

"Your prince royce aren't you!" She whispered/yelled.

"Yea I am"

"Ok now that that's covered I'm heading to Paris too"

"Really why?" I asked with curiosity.

"I'm visiting my sister's newborn daughter." She said with a happy tone.

"Oh that's nice I'm going to surprise my girlfriend" I said thinking about Jenny.

"Oh you have a girlfriend....that's nice she's really lucky" she said with a hint of sadness. I don't know why though I barely meet her.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked not really caring but I didn't want to be rude.

"No but I want one" she winked at me. Well this just got awkward. I just turned on my phone and started going through my twitter. I played some games just to ignore her. I knew she would try to hit on me. Stacy sent me the address where Jenny was staying at earlier.

"Hey? Are you okay?" The girl asked.

"Yea I just miss my girlfriend" I was telling the truth I miss Jenny even though I'm about to see her in a few hours.

"Oh I can help you forget about her" she winked. Jenny I love Jenny. I kept telling myself. Even though I don't have any intentions to get with this chick.

"Like I said I have a girlfriend that I love and won't dare to hurt her" she rolled her eyes. And to think she was a nice girl. The rest of the flight we talked but, she didn't flirt anymore so I just kept talking to her.

"Please fasten your seat belts we are now landing in Paris." Finally now I can see my beautiful girlfriend.

"Well it was nice talking to you Royce" Alice said as we were getting our carry ons.

"It was nice talking to you too Alice." I responded.

"Can I get an autograph for my sister she adores you!" She said.

"Sure" I signed a paper. I left and got my suitcases. I got in a taxi and told him the address. We got there and I went up to room 505 which was jenny's suit. I knocked on the door and heard footsteps.

"Who is it? Is it John?" Jenny asked. I was confused and hurt. Who the hell is John?!?!?!?!

"Room service" I said in a Girly tone. She opened the door and her eyes widened. She jumped in my arms.

"I missed you so much gef!!!" She said in the crook of my neck. I hugged her tight.

"I missed you too hermosa!" She hugged me tighter if it was possible.

"Now tell me who is this John?" I asked clenching my fists.

"Oh um... he's the neighbor who said he would come by later to help me set up the t.v" She said nervously.

"Well I'm here now so ill help you"

"No I want you to cuddle with me" she said as she hugged me by the waist.

"If you insist" I teased.

"What and ever come inside babe and tell me how you came" she pulling me inside.

"By plane" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Not that menso I mean how Stacy actually let you come" she hit my shoulder playfully.

"Oh I just told her ill fire her if she didn't let me come" i winked at her. She blushed and looked like a tomato but, she looked beautiful.


I couldn't believe Geoffrey would do that for me. He was so sweet and caring I'm glad he is mine.

"So were you planning on telling me about his John guy" he asked with anger in his voice.

"Of course babe why wouldn't I tell you about John he is a really nice guy." I said but honestly John was a total flirt I just didn't want to be rude so I invited him for coffee and to help me hook up my t.v but, Geoffrey did it already.

"Well I don't like the sound of you being alone with another guy that's not me." He said getting tenses up.

"Aww baby your the only man in my life" I said pinching his cheeks.

"And you are the only women in my life." He said kissing me passionately.

"Thanks babe" I said kissing him in the cheek.

"I love you Jenny" then there was knock on the door. Saved by the door. I got up and Geoffrey sighed and went to the room. I feel bad now. I open the door and find John holding flowers. I smile and let him in.

"Hi John um listen my t.v is hooked up already" I said.

"Oh well can I still have coffee?" He winked. Ah shiz if Geoffrey comes out an-. Spoke too soon.

"Hi you must be John Im Geoffrey Jenny's BOYFRIEND" he said wanting to make the last part clear.

"Oh I didn't know you had a boyfriend Jenny" what an idiot I told him when he kept trying to flirt with me.

"I told you like 10 times" I said getting a little annoyed.

"Oh right sorry I forgot"

"Well she does and I'm him her good looking BOYFRIEND" Geoffrey said again.

"Ok Geoffrey I think he gets it" I said pulling him by his arm.

"Um how about we have coffee together" I said going into the kitchen.



"Okay that was awkward" I said. I set the coffee on the glass table and they put the sugar in it.

"So how old are you John?" Geoffrey asked.

"21" he said

"How old are you Jenny?" John asked.

"18 going to turn 19 next week" I smiled.

"Babe i'ma make it the best birthday you ever had" Geoffrey said trying to make John jealous but, I knew he wasn't lying he told me that when he found out when my birthday was.

"Aww mi amor I love you but I don't need anything but you" I said kissing him on the lips. We were interrupted by John coughing awkwardly.

"Oh right sorry" I said blushing while Geoffrey just winked at me.

"Well how old are you Geoffrey?" John asked getting a little annoyed.

"I'm 24"

"Aren't you a little old for Jenny" he said with a smirk.

"Our love is too strong it doesn't matter our age difference" I blushed so much that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about our relationship.

"Well your a lucky guy Jenny is hot." John was going to regret saying that I saw it in Geoffrey's eyes.

"What did you say?" Geoffrey said clenching his fists. Ay Dios mío!!

"What I can't say Jenny is hot" John said standing up from he table as well as Geoffrey.

"Considering she's my girlfriend NO you can't"

"Boys settle down I don't want any of you hurt" I said getting Geoffrey by the waist.

"Fine but Jenny will be mine" John said passing by Geoffrey. What the fuc- i mean what the fudge. Geoffrey pulled me closer to him as John left.

"I'm sorry he's such a jerk." I said burying my face in Geoffrey's chest.

"Well at least I was here to protect you and to make him jealous" he winked at me.

"Yup I'm tired lets go to bed." I said walking to my room.

"Okay but I'm sleeping with you" he said going in his room to change. I changed in a tank top and shorts. I got under the covers and texted teddy that ill call her tomorrow. Soon Geoffrey walked in with sweats and white t-shirt.

"Come cuddle with me!" I said holding my arm out. Geoffrey laughed and laid beside me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Your mine and only mine ill kick John's ass if I have too." He whispered in my ear.

"Trust me ill never your side even if you want me too."

"I love you Jenny" y otra vez. I'm just not ready to say I love you back.


"Why can't you say I love you back?"he said with an angry tone.

"I'm not ready yet"he let go of me and turned around.

"Okay" he said before going to sleep. I got up and went to the kitchen and got water. I heard footsteps I knew it was Geoffrey.

"I'm sorry Jenny"

"That's what I mean"


"You are always the one saying 'I'm sorry' I'm getting tired of it"

"Well I'm so- yea your right."

"Perdóname por ser un menso I love you Jenny and ill wait for you when your to be ready" he said giving me a kiss in the forehead.

"Your forgiven but let's not fight please I want this to be a not fighting vacation" I said hugging him.

"You got it hermosa" I blushed.

"Okay let's got to bed"


Hey guys well I'm not deleting it. Yay anywoo I wanted to say that if you want me too read your stories comment them here or put it in my message board.😱😊☺

Did you see la voz kids last Sunday congrats to Paola and prince.

And did you guys know that prince royce has a girlfriend😭😪

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