What happened to Logan?

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Logan's P.O.V

"You're not gonna do anything to us" I said, mad that HE was in the room.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Kendall's dad said pointing the gun to Katelyn

"KATELYN RUN!" I yelled

She got off the bed and started running to the door. Kendall's dad pointed the gun to her and was about to shoot her,but I jumped in front of the gun. He shot me in the chest, and Katelyn ran out the door. I fell on the ground and everything went dark.

Kendall's dad's P.O.V

I picked up Logan and left the room by climbing out the window. I mean seriously I just shot someone. Why would I use the door? I put him in the car and drove to my house. Maybe I could use him for something, like dart practice. Then after that I can leave him somewhere where the other guys can see him.

Carlos's P.O.V

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Alexa. I had just proposed to her last night. I love this girl. Speaking of girl, I wonder if Logan told Katelyn the news about Kendall. I carefully released Alexa from my grip and grabbed my phone. I called Logan at least fifteen times, each time, it always went to voice mail. Where was Logan? Is he okay?

"Good morning, Carlos" I heard Alexa say as she woke up

"Good morning, my lovely fiancé" I say in response as I wrap my arms around her again and kiss her. She is the love of my life. What was I talking about a second ago? Oh yeah, Logan.

"Hey, do you,by any chance, know

where Logan is?" I asked her

"No," she said, looking confused "why?"

"He said that he was gonna tell Katelyn about Kendall," I said "and James would tell Kendall's family, and I would tell you"

"Do you want to go look for Logan?" she asked looking at me with those mesmerizing eyes. What'd she say? Oh yeah, Logan

"Maybe in a little bit" I said kissing her again

"Okay" she said smiling and kissing me back

~two hours later~

Me and Alexa were watching Nemo in the living room. Then I remembered I needed to look for Logan.

"I need to go look for Logan" I said to her as I stood up

"Okay" she said

I opened the door to go to my car and there Logan was. On the ground with a lot of blood on him.

"ALEXA!" I yelled since she was in the other room

"Yeah" she said walking next to me and seeing Logan "oh my god"

"Go get in the car" I said picking up Logan.

Alexa runs to the car and gets in the passengers seat. I go to the car and put Logan in the back seat then get in the drivers seat and drive quickly to the hospital. I hope Logan is okay.

James's P.O.V

I was walking down the street and saw Carlos and Alexa driving like crazy. That's when I saw who was in the back seat. Logan. I ran to the hospital and saw Carlos and Alexa sitting in chairs.

"Hey," I say walking to them "is Logan okay?"

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