What just happened?

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Logan's P.O.V

I sat in the chair next to Kendall's bed thinking about what happened when someone knocked on the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Carlos yelled from the other side of the door.

I got up and unlocked the door, the guys ran in and ended up hitting the wall on the other side of the room. I laughed as they stood up from the floor and stumbled over to me, holding their heads that would soon have a bruise on them.

"Dude, why'd you lock yourself in her?" James askedl

"I needed to see Kendall" I say, my smile gone

"That doesn't mean you can just run from us" Carlos said, facing the other way. James turn him around.

"That doesn't mean you can just run from us" Carlos repeated

"We have to get Kendall's dad back" I said ignoring the things they said

"How are we gonna do that?" James asked

"I don't know, but we need to get him back somehow" I said in response

"By the way," I added "when I came in here Kendall's ghost said that him and Katelyn had a secret, and that he wanted me to know it first."

"REALLY?!" Carlos asked surprised

"No, dude he's lying just to prank us" James said, not believing me

"I swear I'm not lying!" I said, trying to convince him that I was telling the truth

"Whatever, let's just go tell everyone what happened" James said starting to walk out of the room

"I believe you." Carlos said

"Thanks, you should really go be with Alexa." I say in response "She's probably worried"

"Okay, I'll get her a present to surprise her with" Carlos said smiling and heading toward the door

"Use protection" I say before he walks out the door

"Oh, whatever!" he called back

I laugh and walk out of the room. I decided to go to Katelyn's house first. When I got there I rang the door bell, and when she opened the door she was wearing one of Kendall's old sweat shirts.

"Hi Logan" she greeted with a smile, but her smile faded when she saw the emotion on the face. "Logan, what's wrong."

"You might need to sit down for this" I said and she let me in. We sat on the couch, and she looked at me worried.

"Logan, please tell me what happened" she told me, more worried now.

"K-Kendall," I begin, stuttering "h-he-he's dead" I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"W-What" she said starting to cry.

"I'm so sorry" I said, I truly was sorry she had just lost her boyfriend of two years.

Katelyn got up from the couch crying and ran to her room and shut the door. I could her her crying through the door, so I walked up to her door. When I got there I heard her shut her bathroom and throw up.

"Is she sick?" I asked myself, then another question went trough my head. "What just happened?"

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