The Secret: Not An Actual Scientific Theory

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"Any news from William?" Lisa probed me while I lay down with my pile of notes.

"No talking. Busy here."

"Don't shut me out. I'm dying to find out what's going on." She pushed me off to the side and sat down next to me. I heard her mutter a small grunt, probably from landing on one of my books before fully recovering herself. "There has been literally zero drama for the past two weeks between them, it's literally driving me nuts."

"Literally, really? Did you get yourself clinically tested to diagnose yourself as nuts?"

"Oh you know I'm exaggerating." She stuck her tongue out at me. "But you get how dead curious I am to find out."

"You don't need their love life to entertain yourself." I chuckled. "I'm sure there are other recreational activities you can do."

"Like what?"

I shrugged. "Reading? Sports? Art?"

"Reading is your thing. If you make me do art, it'll just feel like I'm doing school work. And sports? Really? Me?"

"Point taken. Then think of what else you can do. Anything else could be more productive than gossiping about them."

"I know, but I still want to find out! I live vicariously through other people's lives and you know that." She rolled on the bed. "My life is a bore."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

I sighed. "If it's so boring, then why don't you do something to make it different?"

"That's why I'm helping you. Duh. This whole experiment thing is so crazy it's bound to make my life more interesting."

"Well since you want to help me so much, here." I put my four-inch thick psychology book on her hands with a thump. "Read about the Myers-Briggs Test."

She looked at it with wide eyes. "You carry this book around campus? No wonder you have bad posture."

"Hey, no teasing. You said you want your life to be more interesting right?"

"And reading this will help?"

I shrugged. "It's new information?"

"You're the only one who gets excited with that." She said while flipping the book. "Seriously how many pages is this?"

"Just look for the topic, you don't have to read everything."

"So why do I need to read about this?"

"That's going to be the next topic of the webisode." I said. It still feels so weird saying that word because it sounds so wrong, but according to Lisa that's what it's supposed to be called. I need to get with the times she said, and that involves slang. So as awkward as it was to come out of my mouth, I go along with it.

"It sounds so boring! What does it even mean?"

"Look for it in the book."

"It's more nerd stuff, isn't it? We'll have lower views if we do that!"

"Can it get any lower than 12 views?"

Lisa rolled. "Don't be so discouraged. We just have to make it more interesting to get more viewers. Now if only we had William in the webisodes..."

I scratched my head. "This conversation is doing wonders for my studying."

"Midterms are not until next week. You can spare some review time." She stood up and pulled my arm. "Come on, we're taking matters into our own hands."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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