Author's Note

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to open this story. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE YET!

I've been meaning to write so many novels. I've always stuck to small prose and poetry, but lately I felt like I have so much more to say. I have stories inside of me that makes so much sense in my head and I just want to let it out. And I have a feeling that I need to bring it out for a reason.

The world needs writers. Why? Because someone, somewhere out there, might need your story. It could be for whatever reason-- for healing, inspiration, or leisure. Isn't it nice to know that you are making someone's life a little more happier even by your stories? That's how I think of it. That's why I am here now.

The story must sound so farfetched, unusual, and downright crazy by the first glance, to which I will respond with OF COURSE IT IS! All best stories start with something bizarre, or else why would anyone bother to look? Science has always been a favorite subject of mine, it comes into a tie with love. And so I thought, why not do both? That's why The Romantic Theory came into my mind.

I really, really hope you like this story. There are certain parts of me in every single character, fragments of certain people in my life in them as well. There is no greater joy than to be honest with yourself and write from the heart, whatever it is you need to release. Embrace what you are, whoever and whatever you may be.

Thank you to the people who have always inspired me to keep pursuing my writing, my family, especially my mom and my dad. You both have your own ways of encouraging me, and for that I love you guys. My siblings who are my source of humor and joy when I'm stressed with work and whatever. To my mentor and nanay, Karren Renz Sena, who would do every single tactic there is just so she could persuade me to keep writing. You always see the potential in me, even when I didn't, especially when I thought I'd lost it. To my darling friends, Faith, Geraldine, Patrisha, Chrissa, Mon, Rozelle, who keeps saying they're going to watch out for when my book comes out. This is it, so stop complaining already! And most especially to God, because I'm sure I wouldn't be saying all of these things if it weren't for His plans for my life.

Thank you to you, my darling viewer, for taking the precious time to read it. Have fun!

- A.A.

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