Chapter 10--Feels like home

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A/N so, I'm at my dad's this weekend which means I should probably have a little time Saturday AND Sunday to write! Which means LOTS of updates! This goes for all stories :D

Amanda's POV

Nick did that to him!? What the fuck?! I thought Nick was still in San Fransico! Tears rushed out of my eyes before I could say anything. I had to pull myself together. I needed to help Zach. I took a deep breath, then wiped my eyes and grabbed my duffle bag. I searched inside for my first aid kit. When I finally found it, I grabbed out the alcohol. I dabbed all the cuts on his face. Then, not knowing what else to do, I called the paramedics. They showed up in a matter of minutes, and if I wasn't so fucking tired, I could've gotten him there in seconds. Instead of going back to the pack, I was going to the hospital. I had to make sure he was okay. He had to be okay. What if he wasn't okay? What if he died just like mom and dad?

"Get those thoughts out of your head, Amanda," Destiny said.

Oh, so NOW you care? I replied, talking to her in my head. Why didn't you care when it was Nick?

"I don't care about Nick. At all. Sorry," she said.

I did. I cared about him! And you were just sitting there making me feel bad!

"I know. Because I knew you were going to meet Zach soon. I don't want you to have a boyfriend when you met your mate! Nope. Nuh-uh. Wasn't gonna happen," she seemed pretty proud of herself.

Well, thanks. I should've trusted you.

"No problem. There's cookies over there!" She screeched. This was so weird. I was TALKING to my werewolf. And she told me where he cookies were! Destiny was officially awesome. I walked around the room, too restless to sit.

"Um, Amanda Trance?" A nurse called after what seemed like forever.

"ME! THAT'S ME!" I yelled, "is Zach okay? PLEASE TELL ME HE'S OKAY!"

"Ma'am. Please calm down. Zach is doing just fine. He lost a lot of blood, and won't be able to get up and walk around for a few days, but he's just fine." She gave me a sweet smile.

"Can I go see him?" I asked nicely.

She bit her lip, which probably meant no. "Well, I don't completely know. He might not even be ready for visitors..." She trailed off.

"Please! Please please please! I have to see him! Please miss! Please!" I cried.

"Here, I'll go ask Mr.Blue if he's ready for a visitor, yet. Okay?" She said.

"Tell him it's me. He'll be ready for sure." I said, trying to convince myself more than her. She nodded then walked away.

"Smooth. You handled that one really well," Destiny said sarcastically.


I stopped taking to her there.

Soon later, the nurse came back out saying I could go see Zach.

"YES! SEE! I TOLD YOU SO!" I screamed at her the ran to Zach's ward.

"Zach?" I asked as I walked in. Honestly, he looked horrible. I couldn't believe it.

"Amanda!" He smiled, then groaned in pain.

"Hey, how ya doing?" I asked.

"I've been better," he shifted, then made room for me next to him, "come here." I sat on the bed next to him.

"I can't believe Nick did this to you," I said, lifting up his shirt to see the stitched up wound on his stomach.

Guilt covered Zach's face, "it wasn't Nick."

"What?" Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe he lied to me... Especially about that.

"It was Darius. I had a reason for saying Nick's name, though," he tried reasoning. The tears went away. I was no longer sad, I was angry.

"What was that reason, Zach?! You want me to hate Nick, right?! Because you're jealous?!" I yelled.

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't know I didn't have a right to be jealous when I see my girlfriend sucking faces with someone else!" He pointed out.

"I haven't even looked at him in a month!" I shot back.

"I said Nick's name because I wanted you to be with him if I died! I want you to be happy, even if I'm gone," he said the last part quieter. Suddenly, I realized how tired I was.

"I think I'm just gonna go," I said, getting up.

"Amanda, please. Don't leave," he begged.

"Don't leave? Like you didn't leave me? I called, you know? I texted. I spent days looking for you. I locked myself in my room. I've barely ate. I haven't talked to anyone, expect for my aunt once, and she kicked me out. I might be back tomorrow, maybe. I love you, asshole." With that, I left. Where I was going, that was the hard part. I could go to my grandma, Dani and Darius' house, but honestly, after hearing Darius did that to Zach, I didn't think I could ever go there. Ever. I could try Zach's parents? Xavier, the Alpha, was always welcoming when I was a kid, and Kate, the Beta, was my babysitter. Yeah, I'd try them. I grabbed my duffle bag and started walking towards where I thought their house was. I was right. Knock, knock, knock.

"Do I know you?" Kate asked, as she opened the door.

"It's me, Amanda," I smiled, hoping she would remember me.

She stood for a moment, then gave me a big hug. "Amanda! You came back! What did you do to your hair?! Your hair was black until you were 11, blonde when you were 12, and now it's pink! When did that happen?! How old are you now? 17? I have a son that's 17. His name is Zach. Oh, I bet you two will get along just great! He left around the same time you did, you know. But Darius found him and brought him home. Are you staying with Darius and Dani?" She said in a rush.

I started to answer the questions, "I got it dyed when I turned 14. Yes, I'm 17. I know who Zach is, I met him in San Fransico. He's kind of my mate..." I waited for her facial expression. It went from shocked to happy. She sucked in air to say something, but before she could, I continued, "and I can't stay with Darius. I was actually wondering if I could stay here..."

"Yes! Of course! I can not believe Zach is your mate! Come in, please! We can have tea and you tell me everything!" I laughed. Kate was at least 40. She had long blonde hair that reached the small of her back. She was about 5'6". Her eyes sparkled blue, and she had plump pink lips. Her skin was flawless. She could definitely pull off for 20. I sat down at on the couch in her living room. It was a dark blue, with light blue pillows at each arm. Under it, was the white carpet that was probably hell to clean after a party. There was a dark blue coffee table, same shade as the couch. Kate came out of the kitchen holding two white tea cups.

"Okay. Tell me everything!" She said, handing me my cup.

"Alright, but I have lots to tell," I smiled. I told her everything. I told her about meeting Nick, my first shift, school, Nick's injury, my first kiss, meeting Zach, Darius coming back, Zach telling me he loved me, me freaking out, kissing Nick, Zach walking in, Zach leaving, me coming back, finding Zach, Darius hurting Zach, and Zach being in the hospital.

Yeah, I really DID have a lot to tell.

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