Chapter 7- Um, who are you?

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Amanda's POV

Fucking fantastic. I had finals this week, since Summer was starting soon, and we'd be out of this hell hole people call school. I was sitting on Zach's lap, on my bed in my room studying when I heard a knock at the front door. "Be right back," I told Zach, then ran down the stairs. A man, at least 6'3" was standing at in the doorway. He had dark black hair, the exact color as mine was before I dyed it. His eyes were also a hard black, looking like soulless pits.

His voice came out in waves of relief, "Amanda?"

"Yes... Who are you...?" I asked slowly.

As if I hadn't just asked a question, he wrapped his arms around me. "I've been looking for you for 5 years."

Then I realized who he was. "Darius!" I screeched, throwing my arms around him. My grandpa, Darius, was probably my most favorite person in the world. But when I left, I lost touch with him. "How'd you find me?" I asked, wiping happy tears from my cheeks.

"Well, I've been looking really hard. Talking to everyone you knew, but no one had an idea where you could have gone. I completely forgot about your aunt Sarah. But a few days ago, I was looking through the family tree and saw her in it. So, here I am." He smiled. Darius was pretty good looking, even though he was at least in his mid-sixties. That's what happens with werewolves, though. We age year wise, not by looks. I'll probably look like, 25 when I'm 65, too. As soon as I pulled away from Darius' hug, I felt warm arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

Zach's voice was warm on my ear as he whispered,"you were gone too long."

I giggled and probably blushed like a total idiot then realized Darius was still standing in the doorway. I pulled out of Zach's grasp then said,"Zach, this is my grandpa, Darius. Darius, this is my mate, Zach."

Darius' eyes sparkled. "Zach. Zach as in Zachary Jay Blue?"

"Yeah, how did you-?" Zach started to ask, then realized something. "SHIT!" He ran out of my house as fast as he could, then into the woods.

"What was that about...?" I asked, almost ready to cry.

"Zach is supposed to be the next Alpha for the pack. He ran away, shortly after you did." Darius said as if it was no-big-deal. Well, news flash! Being alpha is a big-fucking-deal! You can't just run away from it! Plus, if he was Alpha then I'd get to be Beta... And that sounds like fun...hehe.

"So, are you going to take him back?" I asked, suddenly scared that he would actually say yes. If Zach was gone, what would I do?

"Yes, and because you're his mate, you're coming too."

"No." I said, stubbornly. Darius grabbed my arm and pulled me into his car. I didn't even try to get free. I knew I was no match against him.

"Get him. Bring him back to me," Darius order me.

"No." I said, again.

Darius stared into my eyes, "do it. Now." I was suddenly in a trance, I couldn't think for myself.

"Yes, Sir," I said, then ran to where I already knew Zach was.

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