"What don't you understand?"

"Sasori did get into a fight. With Baki to be exact, and he went so far as to bite the other kid."

"Did you see what started the commotion."

Rasa took a deep breath. "No." The teen's dark brown eyes drifted to the floor, a frown spreading across his face. "That doesn't change what happened."

"Exactly what were you doing then?"

Heat spread across the auburn haired teens face, and he turned his face away from Chiyo, not wanting to look her in the eye. "I was arguing with a nine year old about whether or not I was a pervert."


"Seriously! I'm not!" Rasa finally turned to look the woman in the face, only to flinch at seeing the rather sad look on the old woman's face, making his head then dart down. "Look. What is my punishment going to be this time?"


"I should have been paying better attention to Sasori. I know I should have. I messed up."

No response came from the kazekage's wife, and instead the auburn haired teen heard the woman walk away, and Rasa's hand's clenched his pant legs, his teeth pressing together in frustration. Ebizo looked at him for a bit, but also soon left the room. A deep breath escaped Rasa's mouth, and he headed to his room, flopping down on the bed. A knock came at the door, and Ebizo's voice broke the beautiful, angst ridden silence.

"Are you going to come to dinner?"

"Why? Isn't my punishment for today my being ignored? That's far worse then any punishment, even getting removed from the duty roster like I was."

"Be glad I'm not letting your parents know that is a good way to punish you. I wouldn't want to give them any ideas, as that is rather cruel." Ebizo stepped over. "Lady Chiyo, she wasn't ignoring you as a punishment, but simply didn't have anything to say. You're not going to be punished for this."

"Why not? I was supposed to be watching Sasori."

A sigh escaped the old man's lips, and he poked Rasa so that the teen uncovered his eyes, forcing the fourteen year old to see the pained look in the man's eyes. "Sasori is..." The old man paused, then spoke again. "Sasori's different."

"That still..." Rasa didn't know how to respond.

"Come to dinner. Your father is actually going to be joining us after a bit, so it would be nice if the entire family was there waiting for him."

"He's there because he's going to lecture me, isn't he?" The teen's dark eyes looked down, his entire body feeling tired.


Reluctantly Rasa got up, and took his seat at the table across from Sasori. The five year old ate away at his food, not looking the teen in the eye, or anyone else for that matter. Chiyo placed food in front of her son, and Rasa started to eat, noting the fact Sasori picked at his food. The auburn haired teen continued to eat away at his food, not saying anything when the third kazekage stepped into the room, sitting down at his own seat, and receiving his own food.

The man ate a few bites, and then choose to speak up. "Sasori?" The five year old paused, looking at the man, the fork in his small hand no longer poking at his food. "I heard there was an incident today between you and Baki?"

Rasa took a deep breath. "Lord Kazekage, it was..."

The man's hand shot up, indicating his son wasn't to speak, and the auburn haired teen felt his throat tighten in response. "Don't interfere." The man's hand lowered, his eyes looking at five year old, his gaze making Sasori shrink down into his chair. "What happened?"


"I told you not to interfere Rasa." The third's words snapped out, making Rasa's stomach lurch.

Two brown eyes looked down at the food, the eating utensil forgotten at the side of the plate. "Seriously. I'm not a child anymore."

"What happened Sasori?" The kazekage folded his arms across his chest. "I want you to answer, not your Uncle Rasa."

"Nothing." Sasori began to squirm, his small hands lowering to his clothing, tightening in agitation. "That mean kid bumped into me."

"That didn't mean you should bite Baki. In fact, from what I understand Baki didn't mean to bump into you, and only hit you because you continued to bite down, am I correct."

"So?" Sasori's eyes darted around, suddenly falling on Rasa in hopes that the fourteen year old would save him.

"You do realize that said behavior is not permissible, and that you will have to be punished?"

Rasa felt his stomach lurch, heat rising at the sides of his necks as he attempted to control lashing out at the kazekage with his tongue. Sasori stared at the dark haired man, before slamming his hands down, his young voice straining. "Not fair! How come everybody but granny hates me!"

The five year old tore off, and a pout formed on Ebizo's face. "What about me Sasori?"

"Don't patronize him, Ebizo." The kazekage began to eat his food. "I will deal with his punishment later."

The auburn haired teen ground his teeth together, standing up and slamming his calloused hands down onto the table. "Enough. Why do you have to be so cruel to Sasori?" Rasa took a few deep breaths as his father simply stared at him as if he'd lost it. "It was my fault! Why doesn't anybody get that?"

The third continued to watch him, and then spoke up. "Sasori is responsible for his own behavior, Rasa."

"Really?" Rasa clenched his teeth together, his fingers folding into fists. "That's not the way I see it. Sasori's still a child, so it's the job of the adults to make sure he behaves correctly."

"To a point Rasa, and you're not an adult, so you really have no say in this, nor are you Sasori's legal guardian." The third kazekage's words stung, making the teen look down at the table, his auburn locks falling in front of his eyes. "The subject is closed."

"No, it isn't!" Rasa's head darted up, the anger evident in his eyes. "Why are you so insistent in picking on nii-sama's child? Go ahead and be hard on me all you want, as I am your son, but don't you dare push Sasori through the same hell you've put me through my entire life. I'll..." The auburn haired teen paused, not quite sure what to say, or if what he wanted to say was right. "If you don't, I'll seriously make you regret it old man."

The fourteen year old turned on his heels, heading up the stairs, slamming the door to his room.

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