Chapter 1 - Letters 1-4

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Attention: From this chapter on it will be just letters for about...I'm not even sure how many chapters. It will go back to first person story telling after that. c: 

This is gonna be a rather short story with short chapters, maybe 4-5 short letters in each chappie. mmkay? c:




Please don't think I'm a stalker.  

I saw you again today and you looked at me for the first time since yesterday. Your eyes looked awfully tired. You were trudging through the hall as if something heavy was sitting on your shoulders, I know because I didn't stop looking at you until you turned the corner. I can't take my eyes off of you. I can't take my mind off of you.


 By the way...the name's Laura. 



Dear Pete...Pete...Can I call you that? Pete,

You caught me staring at you at your locker. I turned my head just in time, or at least, that's what I hoped because as you walked away you were smiling. Smug little bitch. 

Nobody's talked to you since you've come here. I'd like to think nobody's even noticed you...except for me. And...maybe I like that, you know?





Dear Peter,

You wore an oversized sweater today. It was adorable as shit. The way your fingers were only barely showing through your sleeve, it made my heart do a double backflip in my chest. Your hair's getting longer. It always falls over your face so perfectly and I think it's kinda funny how you can have better hair than me. You make me want to fuss with it, run my fingers through it, push it away from your eyes so I can look at them. 

What? I just like the color blue. Yeah. That's what it is. 




Dear Peter, 

It's been awhile since I've seen you. When you came back you didn't smile at me anymore. Your hair always hides your face now, you always hide yourself. I can't help but feel as if you're trying to hide from me. 

I saw that bruise on your cheek today. I noticed, the subtle slide of your eyes. You looked at me today for the first time in days and that alone made me want to smile and wave like a normal person but instead I freaked. I must have looked like a newly released juvy prisoner, running all over the place trying to find a place to hide my face and pretend like it wasn't me. 

I cringe just thinking about it. You walked away without noticing me. I could've sworn I saw a smile from under your hair. I'm on to you.


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