“If it isn’t sweet like Alexis,”

“You’re a bastard John, you better watch what you say or else I just might pull the trigger,” she threatened. I saw his eyes flicker from the gun to her before he gulped.

“What do you want?” she smirked knowing that she had won.

“Your going to hop in a car and your going to drive in the opposite direction from this town. Your not going to stop until you are at least a thousand miles away. Your never going to come back. If you do I want be afraid to pull the trigger, understand?” she asked.

“You have no right to do this,”

“And you have no right to hurt Tyson or your wife but you still do,” she moved her finger so it was hovering about the trigger. “You have 30 seconds,”

He nodded and turned around quickly nodding to the person holding me. They let me go, making me fall to the ground with a thud. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was the retreating sound of their footprints.

You’re a pussy dad, I thought before blacking out.

(Bentley’s POV)


She passed back and forth across the hospital room. Every few seconds she would glance at the bed nervously. She hadn’t stopped since we first arrived here three hours ago.

Lexi had been brave when she stood up to his father. I didn’t know exactly why she had gotten into the situation but I knew that there was a lot that I didn’t understand.

A lot to do with Tyson and his family, and also with Lexi and Tyson. I couldn’t complain that there was. They had been best friends since they were young so it would be strange for feelings to not be there. But I wasn’t going to complain or fight with her about it because right now I was so lucky to have the girl.

It was official, I had found the girl of my dreams. I think.

“Why don’t you sit down?” I offered pointing to the chair next to me. She smiled politely but shook her head.

“I can’t sit still,” Instead of replying I rested my head against the wall behind me and tried to rest. It might only be early evening but I had had a hard day so I was tired. It seemed that my eyes were only closed for a second before I was being shaken awake.

“Bentley he’s awake, go and get the doctor,” Lexi called continuing gto shake my shoulder. I sprung up from my seat and rushed to the first nurse I could find and told her that Tyson was awake. When the doctor arrived he asked Lexi and I to wait outside.

She tapped her foot, a large look of relief evident on her face. Some part of me felt jealous that he could make her that happy, even after they had just had a big fight but then the competitive part of me just decided that I was going to find a why to make her smile.

A thought sprung to mind.

“How Lexi,  I know that this is a little bit of bad timing but I was wondering if you want to come to the schools dance with me in two weeks?”

“I loved to,” She leant over and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

I was going to make sure that that night was the best night of her life. She was going to be remembering it for days. I was about to ask her what her favourite colour was when the door opened and the doctor motioned us forward.

“How is he?” She asked flickering her eyes into the door way.

“He’s going to live, he’s being put on some strong medicine so he will be out again shortly. Say what you have to say quickly before he falls to sleep.” When he strode away Lexi stormed into the room, I stayed quietly by the doorway wanting to give her privacy but still wanting to listen to what she had to say.

“You’re an idiot,” she started sitting her self down on the bed next to him. “When you get all better I’m going to smack you across the head. You scared me, if we hadn’t made it in time who knows what could of happened.”

“Glad to see your not still angry at me,” he muttered, struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Oh I’m still angry but I only have a few seconds before you fall asleep so I though I would be nice,” she sent him an evil smile.

“How kind, I’m really sor-“ he started but the drugs overtook him and he fall asleep.

“I know Tyson, I know,” she whispered holding hand.



So I’m probably going to change this in the next couple of days because I think it moves to quickly. Right now I SUPER busy with school so that’s why my updates aren’t being the best length and stuff.


Please forgive me.


And for those who said that they want Tyson and Lexi together, do not fret there is a lot of story to go and some big surprises are going to happen in that time.


Love you all vote and comment

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