Chapter 1

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Shannons P.O.V

So today we were all going out today in London. We were all going to spend time together as we never really do that. So in the house was, Me, Simon, Emily, Josh, Jessica, JJ, Liza, Vikk and Lucy which is Joshs sister. Everyone else will come here. Emily hasn't seen her brother Calfreezy in so long and she has missed him so much Josh is the only one that has been keeping her company.

We were all sitting on the sofas waiting for the others to come and to be honest they were taking so long. We have to get going soon otherwise it will be dark and we won't be able to go. I was sat next to Simon on the sofa snuggling into his side. He has one of his hands on my inner thigh. The door bell rings and Emily gets up to get the door. Soon everyone soon starts coming into the lounge.
We have Hayley, Calfreezy, Harry, Sophie, Courtney, Ethan, Izzy, Tobi, Elizabeth and Callux. Everyone had finally arrived and we have now gotta set of to London.

We got in different cars the cars were like this:





That's when we finally set off. Josh was driving and Simon was sat next to him. We put the music on and we were all singing along to the music. "You're a great singer babe" Simon says to me smiling showing his dimples. He always says this to me. He says I should go on the XFactor with JJ rapping but to be honest JJ can't rap. Sorry JJ. "This journey is so long" I say moaning looking at the cars zooming past us. "We are nearly there moaney pants" Josh says causing us all to laugh.

Many hours had passed and we had finally arrived in the centre of
London where the traffic was fucking terrible. We tried to find a parking space for ages but we couldn't find one. We were staying in the centre of London for a week so we had to find a place to park in the hotel parking lot which was still hard.

We finally parked and went into the hotel and got checked in as we were very late and we were all going straight to bed as it was late when we got to the hotel. We booked in and we all found our way to our rooms. We are all on the same floor which should be fun but I'm tired and I could pass out at any moment. I have a really bad headache and so I might faint. Simon noticed and took me straight to bed when we got into the room. "Baby are you okay?" Simon asked me with a concerned look "I have a really bad headache, it feels like I'm going to pass out" I say and Simon goes and gets me a glass of water and a paracetamol. I take the tablet and get changed into some comfortable clothes. I jump into bed with Simon which he was in just his boxers. I cuddle into his side falling asleep within seconds. "Night beautiful" he says and kisses my forehead.

So I had a really good sleep last night and I woke up beside my very good looking boyfriend who was still asleep. I got out of his grip and went into the bathroom to have a shower. After my shower, I go get some clothes which were a pair of blue denim shorts and multicoloured sidemen t-shirt with a burgundy sidemen jumper and my red air max 90's. (In the media) "Oi fuck face wake up" I shout getting Simon out of bed. "You're feeling better" he says in his morning voice which I die for every time. "Yeah I guess I am" I say putting on the radio sitting on the bed. Simon gets up to go and have a shower and I just sat there listening to the radio. But something really got my attention "breaking news, there has been an outbreak of something and we don't know what it is, people claim that if you get bitten you will turn into one so you need to be careful and stay inside at all costs" the news reporter said. Fuck it can't be. It can't be zombies can it? "Simon" I say walking into the bathroom "yeah baby?" he says looking at me with just a towel on "I think there might be an outbreak of zombies" I told him and he just looked at me confused "are you sure?" he asked me "yeah I heard it on the news" I say and his eyes widen.

Simon leaves the bathroom and looks outside to find lots of zombies every where around the hotel. "Simon get dressed we are going to the others now" I said and left the room and knocked on everyone's doors "Shannon are you okay?" Emily asked me "we need to go now there has been an outbreak of zombies if you don't believe me look outside." Emily went to the window an her eyes just widened "holy fuck Josh" she shouted and Josh came running and looked out of the window. "Holy shit we need to go" he said and I left to go and get Simon.

We finally got everyone up and out of their rooms with all of their stuff. Now we need to get to the car's without getting bitten. "Alright so here is the plan JJ you go and distract the zombies and we will make a run for the cars once in the car's we will beep our horns and then you will get into one of the car's. Have you all got that?" I say to them and they all say "yes". We get to the top floor while JJ was on the bottom floor distracting the zombies. We all got into the car's and we set off.

JJ's P.O.V

I was down at the bottom floor and to be honest I was scared I hope the guys hurry up. "OI YOU FUCKING BITTING FREAKS LOOK FOLLOW ME" I shout and running causing all of the zombies to chase me. I pick up my pace as I am running for a tunnel with a shit tun more zombies in. I just stop I'm now surrounded. I guess this is where I die. I prepare myself for pain until I hear beeping and a car coming towards me. I prepare for the impact but I didn't get hit. "Get in JJ" Shannon says which I happily do. I get into the back and we drove off through the tunnel with the others behind us.

"Do you know how scared I was" I say to the others "you're fine now JJ" Simon says giving me a fist bump. I was shit scared I wasn't expecting to get out alive but I did and I'm very happy about that. "We need to go back to our house to make sure everything is fine and to stay there for a while" Josh says as we drive along the motor way. I look behind me just to make sure the others are still behind us and they weren't. "Josh the others are not behind us" I say and Josh suddenly stops "where the fuck can they be" Josh says getting out the car. "Me, Josh, Simon and Cal will go and see if we can find the others" I say to the two girls "okay just be say okay try and find a weapon to defend yourselves" Emily says "okay baby we will be back soon" Josh says kissing her on the lips and Simon does the same with Shannon.

Joshs P.O.V

We were now looking for the other three car's with the others inside. I hope nothing has happened to them. We were walking down the motor way until we saw three car's coming towards us with a lot of zombies running after them. "Get back to the car now" I shouted running back towards the car with the others running behind me. We got back into the car safely driving as fast we could behind the others. We made it back to the house and we got into the house very quickly. "Are guys alright what happened I thought you were behind us?" I asked the others "wait where is...

Sup peeps,
So who do you think is missing?
What do you think will happen next?
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Cya peeps
Shannon 💝

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