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Going to school actually had a purpose now that I had this girl to learn more about. Yes, creepy, I know, but still. The next morning, I ate a quick breakfast of toast and jam before grabbing a granola bar and heading out the door. I got to school and realized how early I was, and then a wave of exhaustion came over me, given the fact that I had gotten close to none sleep last night.

I walked into school, keeping my eye out for the girl, but found Josh instead, which made me equally as happy. 

He raised his eyebrows at me. "You're here early."

I held my arms out. "Guess why."

He just rolled his eyes. "You need to stop this, dude, it's borderline stalking."

"I just want to talk with her! Goddamn!" I defended.

We had started walking towards the senior lockers. 

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you."

I gave him a look. "C'mon. Everybody wants to talk to me."

As I was opening up my locker, Josh nudged me, then nodded at something past me when I looked up. As expected, there she was, looking radiant as ever ('ever' being the day and a half I've seen her). I subconsciously bit my lip and straightened out my clothes, pretty ready to go talk to her.

I looked back at Josh for assurance, but he just shrugged and rolled his eyes as if he had finally given up on me.

Before I could make my move, I heard Josh say my name in a panicked tone, then felt the wonderful collision of a hardcover textbook on the back of my head.

I almost stumbled to floor, but Josh caught my arm and held me up. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was; who else but Miles Morris, the school's token stoner. You could smell him as soon as he walked in the front door.

"The fuck was that for?" I complained.

"You know what it's for, dipshit," he replied sullenly.

I honestly didn't. "Listen, I didn't steal your weed, okay? It was probably Ray." 

"It's not about the weed. You gave me the wrong answers on purpose."

That rang a bell. Miles had come to me in a haze asking for yet another favor, this time answers to the physics term exam; and since I love watching him make a fool out of himself, Josh and I gave him answers to questions not even relating to physics.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said innocently. "All that blazing's got your head fucked, Morris."

He grabbed a fistful of my shirt and slammed me against the locker; all the while Josh was just staring, somewhat terrified. 

"Enough. I failed the term because of that test. And it's not just the dope, I know you faggots are fucking with me. You're both crazier than I am. Your schizo ass and your psycho, freak friend can just eat my---"

Before I could stop myself I felt my fist come in contact with his jaw. I was suddenly lit up with fury on the inside. Nobody talks about Josh like that.

"You motherfucker," Miles growled as he came back for a return swing. Luckily I have cat-like skills and reflexes, so I was easily able to duck his incoming right hook and tackle him to the floor. I was honestly scaring myself, I had never been this angry over a fight before. While Miles tried pushing me off him, I grabbed his wrist in one hand and his shirt collar in the other, bashing him against the floor.

"You don't talk about him like that," I practically yelled at him. "No one ever, ever calls him names like that."

I was about to take another swing when someone pulled me up from the ground. I was about to lash out at them, too, but restrained myself when I saw it was the principal. Suddenly I felt the burning tears in my eyes. "He can't say things like that," I pleaded, trying so hard to keep my voice from wavering.

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