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"Hey, Joseph." 

I slowed down my quick pace past the main office and turned around. "Yeah?"

It was the principal. He was giving me that look, the look that said I should know I'm in trouble. "My office."

I sighed and shouldered past the few people that passed me in the hall, making my way into the office. I followed my routine of taking a seat in the soft chair across from Mr. Quinn's desk. 

"That's your third dress code violation this week," he told me.

I hadn't even realized I still had on my jacket. Our uniform codes were pretty strict, and basically whatever you wore had to have the official school logo on it. All my jacket had was a patch on the sleeve that said 'Shit 4 Brainz'. 

"Okay, sorry, I honestly forgot," I said, taking it off right away. 

He held out his hand.

"Honestly," I pleaded. "Won't happen again."

"That's what you said last time," he said. "So either you give me the jacket for the rest of the week or I'll see you in detention today."


Having nothing else to do, I went straight to the office after school ended. The secretary told me which room to go to, and then I was on my way. I threw my bag onto the floor of the science lab, which was our detention classroom for the day. 

After what seemed like minutes of drumming two pencils on the table, who else was to enter the room but Josh Dun. He was my closest friend and personal partner in crime, having an almost full tattoo sleeve at age 18 and 4 months.

"Dress code?" he asked, holding out his hand.

We did a quick handshake. "You know it."

He took a seat on the other side of my table. 

"How about you?"

"Accidentally said 'fight me' to the band director."

I laughed while he just shrugged and held up his hands.

"It just came out! I didn't realize what I said until after I said it!"

"Isn't that usually the case with you?"

"Shut up."

Detention was to start at 4, and so far (3:58) there were only 3 other kids besides Josh and me in the room. 

And then this girl walked in. I had to do a double take, because I was 90% sure I had never seen her in my life; trust me, I would have remembered a face like that. She had shoulder-length brown, kinda wavy, kinda curly hair, and these lovely hazel eyes. Or were they grey? Perhaps a touch of---holy shit, is that a tattoo?

Josh had to smack my hat off my head to get my attention.


"No hats, dumbass. You'll get a detention for violating uniform code in detention for violating uniform code."

I tossed my hat next to my bag and looked back at that girl, who had taken a seat by herself at the opposite end of the classroom. She was sitting with her back mostly facing me, yet I could still see her face. All I could think was Nice, because I could stare all I wanted without her knowing.


I reluctantly tore my gaze away from the girl and back to Josh, who was looking at me with the most unamused face I had ever seen him give me (he gave me a lot of those looks). 

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