Ch. 7 - Gaara of the desert

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I dropped Moegi on the ground and then looked at her. '' So, do you wanna go eat ramen? '' I was slowly getting tired of asking who wants to go eat ramen with me.  

She looked around, scared. '' What about Konohamaru and Naruto? ''  

I sighed, rolling my eyes. Who cares about them?! I'm hungry and I want my ramen! But I still decided to be nice and showed the girl my best fake smile. '' Fine. Let's go check if they are okay. ''  

We walked down the street and just when we went in the one that Konohamaru, Naruto, Udon and Sakura chose I noticed that there was something strange going on. There was a girl with a huge fan and four ponytails and a guy with purple paint on his face and funny cat ears. The second one was holding Konohamaru in the air and it looked like they were arguing about something.  

'' What's happening? '' Moegi whined. '' He's going to hurt Konohamaru. ''  

My eye flinched and I was staring at Kitty boy with anger. Then I turned at Moegi. '' Not on my watch. '' I started walking closer while doing the handsigns for Wave of inspiration jutsu, a simple one that gathered electricity in my hands and then shocked everything that I touched. I just stopped behind the Kitty boy and smirked. Then I casually placed a hand on his shoulder.  

His scream was resounding through the street and he quickly dropped Konohamaru and turned at me with anger.  

'' Who are you? '' he hissed.  

'' The one that's going to punch that attitude right out of you if you don't get the fuck away and leave me and my friends alone, '' I replied with a creepy voice. Yeah, I've been practicing it with Naruto. It made him laugh but Kitty boy looked scared for a second before he narrowed his eyes with anger.  

'' I'll teach you a lesson, '' Kitty boy said, frowning and taking the thing on his back off.  

I grinned, nodding. '' Go ahead. I'll teach you one too. What do you want it to be about? Lightning? Fire? Ice? '' Then I noticed Sasuke on one tree watching the whole thing and my grin got wider. '' Oh, Sasuke! You wanna do a combined fire attack that we've been pratictising? '' It was Kakashi's idea to do it. 

A smirk appeared on his face. '' Gladly, but do are you sure that you wanna burn the whole village? This guy isn't worth it. ''  

I frowned and rolled. '' You are always so boring. I really don't get what all the girls see on you. ''  

He shot me an angry glare. '' You're just jealous. ''  

'' Jealous of your stupid looking hair? '' I asked with a grin and quickly turned back to Kitty boy. '' Sorry, I forgot about you for a second. Let's just do this the old fashion way. '' I did two hand seals and my spear appeared in my hand. I spun it over my head and leaned on it.  

Kitty boy just started doing something to the thing that he was carrying on his back when a serious, bored voice said:  

'' Kankuro, stop. ''  

We all turned in the direction the voice was coming from. There was a boy, standing on a branch on Sasuke's tree. Well, actually upside down. Hmm... Showoff. Other then that he had amazing red hair and seafoam eyes, surrounded by black lines. There was a kanji on one side of his forehead and he had a gourd on his back. 

I tossed my head on one side, curious. There was something interesting about him and his chakra. And he was also hot. I didn't understand why there weren't girls chasing him instead stupid hair Sasuke. Well, maybe it was just because of the expression on his face.  

'' S-Sorry, Gaara, '' Kankuro mumbled, putting the thing that he was carrying on his back again.  

'' Yeah, we're sorry, '' the girl with ponytails said.  

To be a ninja (Naruto) {The tale of a shinobi: Book 1}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat