Chapter Two-Taking a Seat

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I barely made it to my seat when the bell rang towards the front of the classroom. 

"Wheeew. I made it in time." I thought as I slumped down in my seat. 

"Tsk, tsk. Cutting it veeeeery close aren't we Brooke?" mocked Chunji on my right side as he calmly stacked his books onto his desk shaking his head. 

I sat up quickly and turned towards him annoyed. "What has gotten into you Chunji? What's been bothering you? You've been distant ever since L.Joe picked us up!" I said while waving my hands around. 

Unfortunately, our teacher had arrived in the room while I was talking and she, along with the entire class had their eyes on us. Crap. 

I cleared my throat and lowered my head while clenching my fists on my lap. I remained in that position until I quietly heard my classmates shift back in their seats to face the front of the class. 

Our teacher cleared his throat and asked, "May I start class now. . .Miss Brooke?" I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

I just nodded my head silently and remained staring downwards. Great. What a great impression on your first day of senior year. Way to go Brooke. 

Throughout class I could see Chunji trying to catch my attention by waving his hand on the side of his desk. However, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at the time so I stubbornly ignored him. If he thought I was easily going to forgive him for making me look like a fool in class, he thought wrong. 

As class ended I rushed out of the class and headed down the hall to my next class. I could hear Chunji's footsteps as he clumsily bumped into people in the hall while calling my name. "Brooke! Wait for me!" 

I could hear people complaining as he apologized for bumping into them but that only made me walk faster to get to my next class. I smiled smugly to myself as I entered the classroom to see I was the first one there. 

I rushed to the seat next to the opened windows and set my bag onto the floor. A few moments later I could hear footsteps coming from the hallway. I turned expecting Chunji to come bounding through the doorway but was surprised to see an out of breath L.Joe. 

"Oh! Are you in this class too L.Joe?" I asked as I watched him catch his breath. 

He straightened up and ran his hand through his blonde hair. "Ne. . . . I'm not late am I?" 

I giggled. "Of course not! The bell just rang so you're actually really early right now." 

"Haha my bad, I skipped first period. Are you saving this seat for anyone?" he asked while gesturing to the seat next to me. 

I looked up at him confused. 

"Um don't you and Chunji always sit next to each other every year?" 

My eyes widened. "Oh! That's what you meant!" I thought about it for a moment but figured maybe its time for a change this year. I mean, we already sit togethor in first period and I'm sure we'll be sitting next to each other for the rest of our classes. Also, . . . it's L.JOE asking to sit next to ME!! I smiled at the thought of getting to see his face up close everyday for my last year of school. 

"Sure! Chunji will probably want to sit infront of me this year anyways." I smiled widely as he sat next to me. 

"So, did you get to your first class on time?" he asked while setting his forearms onto the table. Did I mention that he has reaaally nice looking arms. Not the muscles bulging out type of arms but arms with enough muscle on them that they didn't look like twigs. 

I tore my eyes away from his arms and realized that he was staring at me waiting for my answer. "Omo! Sorry, I'm still kind of tired today but ne I made it in time." I blushed and ducked my head trying to hide through my hair. 

He reached out and turned my chin towards him. "It's okay. Don't hide from me, I enjoy seeing your cute little face." he said smiling. 

Just then, a loud thud sounded from the doorway. I jumped in my seat and saw Chunji with his shirt rumpled and his bag was lying on the floor. He was entirely out of breath as he leaned on the frame of the doorway. I stood up in surprise as I looked at him.

"Why. . . . Did. . . . You. . . . Walk. . .  . .Away . . . . . So . . . . FAST!!" he exclaimed as he kicked his bag across the floor and shook his head wildly. 

I couldn't control my laughter as I giggled and fell back into my chair. The sight of his messy blonde hair, sparkling eyes, and angry voice didn't match at all!

He narrowed his eyes at my reaction but eventually I could see a smile creep onto his face. He walked towards me but stopped as he finally took notice of who was sitting next to me.

"Hey! That's my seat!" he yelled and an irritated look appeared on his face.

I looked as L.Joe clenched his fists on the table and slowly swiveled in his seat to face Chunji. "Noo. This is my seat now. You, obviously were too late and couldn't even manage to keep up with Brooke. If you actually wanted to have this seat, you wouldn't have let Brooke walk by herself." he said calmly and turned back in his seat. 

By now, several of our classmates were arriving through the door and were taking their seats as well. All of them were peering back at us as they listened to what was happening. Greaaaat. Not another embarassing incident. 

"Chunji! Just take the seat in front of us!" I hissed at him begging him to sit down. 

He looked down at me. "No." he said with a dark look in his eyes. "I've always been the one who sits next to you! Tell him to move Brooke." 

"Chuunji!!! Just sit down!! Everyone's staring at us! We'll sit togethor in our other classes!!" I said exasperated. 

I hoped he would realize how he was overreacting but he just glared at the back of L.Joe's head. 

I watched as a girl with long shiny black hair passed infront of him and took one of the seats infront of us. "Look! Why don't you sit with her for now, I'll still be able to talk to you from the back!" I pleaded as  he continued to glare. 

Riiiiiiiiing. The bell sounded as our teacher entered the room with a displeased look on her face as she caught sight of Chunji just standing silently. 

"Excuse me! Class has started! Take your seat!" she snapped at him as she walked towards her desk. 

Chunji finally turned his head away from L.Joe and snatched his bag up from the floor. As he walked towards the seat infront of us he kept his eyes on me and I could see the hurt reflecting in his brown eyes that weren't sparkling happiness anymore. 

He threw himself into his seat and dropped his bag loudly to the ground. I cringed as I heard him slam his books onto his desk one by one. 

As the lesson went on, not once did he turn around to look backwards. When I whispered his name or tapped the back of his chair he simply scooted forward and stared straight ahead. 

Never. Never in the entire time I've known Chunji has he ever given me silent treatment. 

What have I done?! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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