first date: Stiles

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Hey just a reminder of why we love him... I mean this gif is on fire!

Stiles POV
I'm going to pick up y/n at 8:20 tonight for our first date. I'm so excited I can't even think straight!

"Shit! Scott do you have my makeup bag! I know you took it!" I say going up the stairs towards his room. "Scott! Come on you over reacting Alpha! Just give it back!" I say one more time before opening his door only to be met with him and Kira face sucking on his bed. "Oh my god y/n!" Scott says rolling off his bed to face me. "Where's my makeup bag!" I say going into his bathroom. "Your not getting it! I forbid you to go on this date with Stiles!" "Forbid! You can't forbid me to go on this date!" "I'm your Alpha!" "No. Your the alpha to the pack not me! To me your just my rude and disrespectful brother who can't stand the fact that his twin sister is going on a date with his best friend!" I snap back lifting up the blankets of his bed to grab my makeup bag out from underneath.
"Y/n Have fun!" Kira says pushing me out the door. "Thanks babe!" I say hugging her. "Scott be nice!" She says looking directly into his eyes. "Ugh!!!! You just as bad as our mom!" Scott says sitting back on the bed. "Bye!" I say running back down the hall to my room. Okay 30 mins till 8:20. I put on my makeup and my top and pants with my new sneakers. "Crap, I've got like 15 minuets left. I'll just listen to some music!" I grab my phone and connect it to the speaker system. After like 10, mins I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell as soon as the door opens I hear the song change to y/f/s come on. The door opens fully to show a amazingly good look and dressed Stiles leaning against the door frame. "Hey" he said smiling "Hi!" I say getting up grabbing my purse and phone. "Wow you look.. Great" stiles says taking my hand and leading me to the jeep. I smile back. He opens the door of the jeep for me. "Wow what a gentleman." I say kissing his cheek. Making him blush witch in return made me blush.
-----Time skip (I suck)
"Well were here he" said pulling into the laser tag mansion. He looked at you with an adorable smirk speaking across his face. (Like the gif). Just as I was about to pull the door handle he jumped out of the jeep and ran to my door. "Thanks" I say grabbing his hand and running to the entrance door. "Y/n! Wait your pulling me behind you!" "Well then keep up cutie!".
Stiles paid the gut at the front desk who explained the levels of the laser tag mansion and gave up the chest pad and guns.
They let us inside the Gigantic ring for leveled 1. "5...4...3" the lady said turning the black lights on making everything glow in the dark. "..2..1..Go!" She yelled. I grabbed Stiles hand and shoved us in a kiddie hole. "What are you doing?" He asked noticing how close we were to each other. "Hiding till everyone gets away from the front." I say leaning my head towards his. About 5 minuets of being closer than closer, I step out of the little crack and went into instant wolf mode. Listening and using my extreme reflexes.
"Y/n! Where are you!" Stiles said. "You're on your own Sweetie!" I said getting his arm patch in my sight. "Stiles you should really, really keep yourself hidden" I call out to him one final time before wrapping my hand around the trigger. I felt as if I were going to kill him. But you know.... I pull the little plastic trigger. The lights on his chest plate light up like crazy! "Really? Really y/n! This is what we've come to huh? Shot each other for fun?!" "Yeah. Yeah it has!" I say jumping over the wall blocking me from him. "That was extremely hot y/n!" "I know." I said smiling at him.
__another time skip because I suck

Stiles surprisingly won the entire match. The score was stiles with 200 pts me with 198 pts and the rest of the players were around 150 to 160.
On the way home we got pizza witch was really good. And besides that we just talked.
He pulled into my driveway and got out. "Thank you for tonight" I said grabbing his hand. "No problem. I enjoyed our first date". "Me too.". As we were walking toward the door I slipped on the grass dragging Stiles down with me. "Ahh!" I screamed starting to laugh. "Holy shit y/n! You scared me" he said hovering over me. I leaned up and kissed his check. He blushed like crazy. Just as we were about to get up, Scott opens the door to the house. "Y/n! Stiles! What are you two doing." He yelled. "Shit" I said letting stiles roll of me. "Get inside now!" Scott yelled. Making you groan. "Coming!" I yell back at him.
I lean towards him and kiss his check and give him a hug. "Thank you. I'll text you later. Babe" I said walking away.
I got inside and got a moths worth of lectures. I usually don't sit and listen to him but I did stay out 20 minuets after curfew. This was the best date I've ever had. Like ever!

So what did ya think? Anyways thanks for reading I know its crap but thanks for reading! Leave a comment and a request if you wanna. Bye bye for now

Dylan O'Brien/Thomas/Stiles imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now