When pt.2 continues!

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P.s. I will try to update tomorrow cus I got the day off soo!!!

Well a study date anyways. I grab my bag and decide to stop by Lydias. I jump into my car as fast as I can and speed to her house. I get out and use the key I have to her house to unlock the door. I go in and hear her and Alison talking. "Honey I'm home!" I say loud enough for them to start laughing. "Well hello dear!" Lydia says grabbing my hand and dragging MW into the kitchen. I see Alison I bright smile on her face. "Hi!" Alison says waving at me like a 4 year old. "Hi" I says back. "Girls! I have great news!" "What!" Alison and Lydia say at the same time. "Well...... Me and Stiles are going to study tonight!" "OMG y/n! You guys are already studying!!" Lydia says her mouth slightly open. "No! Not that kind of studying, studying for History and science and math!" "Yes history will be talking about you losing your virginity and science will be talking about how much you too get along and math will be how fast he can get your shirt off and on his bedroom floor!" Alison says, making Lydia giggle. "Oh my gosh you guys have no hope for me do you" you I say looking at NY phone to see what time it is. "Oh shit I have to go bye guys!" I say heading for the door "I want the details call me when your done!"Lydia says "Tell me how you feel when you become a woman okay!" I hear Alison say before I close the door. I get into my car and slowly make my way to his house. I see his Blue Jeep parked terrible in the drive way. My heart beating fast. I see the Sheriffs car on the street. Oh thank god!!. I pull up next to his jeep. Turning off my truck I get out and head for the door. You can do this! You can do this! Don't freak out!!! Omg I totally freaking out!!! Ahh!!! Okay calm down its just a study date geeze its not lime were gonna do anything! But what of there right what if-. No just go inside do the studying and be happy!
I reach the door and knock. No awnser. *knock, knock* no awnser *knock, knock, knock* I hear foots steps racing down the stairs. The door flies open. "Hi, um y/n right?" "Yeah and your the Sheriff of this crazy town?" I ask smiling "Yep, its more crazier than you think! So um.. Come in! And Stiles is in his room third door to the left!" He said letting me in and closing the door. I slowly walk up the stairs. The panels creaking quietly. "Oh my god...", I say quietly I get to the 3rd push open the cracked door to be see beautiful brown puppy eyes. "Hi" I say nervously "hey.. You look nice.." "Thanks. Can I come in or...." "Oh yeah um.. Come in". My heart rate goes up, wow this is really bad for the werewolf thing (all! see the plot twist!) . He pats the spot next to him as I take off my back pack I start to unzip it the Sheriff walks into the door way. "Hey, bud I'm going to work something happens out in the woods I'll be back tomorrow morning okay?" "Okay dad. Be safe!" Stiles says looking at his dad with a smile. "You too..." His dad says heading towards the door. I hear the door open and close the car start and pull away all in 5 minuets. "So what should we start on?" Stiles says grabbing his pile of books. I thought for a second. Fuck here I go. He looks at me and I go for it. I attach my lips on to his. At first he was shocked by then he went with it. He put his hands on my waist bringing me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and in his hair. I pull away and smile. "Wow...." "Yep" "Do you want me to Kiss you?" "Yeah"
He leaned in this time more passonitly. He layer back and pushed me over to be on top. His kisses felt like little electricity bolts zapping me. He pulled at my shirt, and he pulled over my head. I went for his shirt pulling up. Our lips not leaving each others. He takes his shirt off and kisses my neck. I let out a moan. He stops and bites his lip. Dam is that hot! I pull his head down and nibble on his neck. I grab at his belt trying to get it undone. "Stiles.... Your.... Belt.....get it...off" I say still tugging he stops kissing grabs his belt and in hooks in letting his pants fall. "Um... Wanna get ur pants?" He said looking at my breasts. "Stiles... Eyes up here handsome" I say unbuttoning my pants. He blushes and loom straight into my eyes making me blush. I pull of my pants. And he lunges at me connecting our lips once more. I nibbled on his jaw making him moan. "Y/n..... Your... So beautiful..." He says between moans. We were kissing and biting. "OH MY GOD STILES!" His dad says "SHIT!" stiles says putting a blanket over us. "Stiles! Down stairs now!" His dad says walking away "Y/N I'm so so soo sorry!" He says looking looking at me. "OMG your dad just basically saw me naked!" I said grabbing my shirt. "Y/n I'm sorry I wish I would've know he was gonna come back! I love what we did!" He said getting his sweats on. I accidently grabbed one of his shirts. And put it on. "Wow I like you in my clothes." He said smiling "what I'm not in your- yes I am" he got up handing me my pants but I pushed them a side. "Let's continue this later." I say laying on his pillow. "Stiles!" The sheriff yells. Stiles frowned and walked down stairs.
I couldn't hear them thank god for my supper hearing. "Stiles when I said be safe I didn't mean have sex! I meant don't burn the house down!!" "Dad I'm sorry. I didn't make the first move! When we aggred to study I didn't know we were going to 'study' study!" "Stiles I swear if I come back and see this poor girl naked on your bed so help me god not even a supernatrul being will be able to bring you back from what I'll do to you! Now go drive her home! And I'll be back in the morning!!!" He walked back into the room after his dad really left. And we did what i came here to do study and then have sex!

It was AMAZING!!!
SOO WHAT DO YOU THINK!!!!?!?????????

Dylan O'Brien/Thomas/Stiles imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora