Goku X Reader

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Quick Author's Note://

Since I'm running out of ideas for x readers, my requests are open :) I'll appreciate some plots and ideas too. Ok I'll stop wasting your time- to the oneshot! Oh yeah, this is going to hurt you Chi-Chi fans in the feels...

{Your POV}

You rubbed a sobbing Goku's back, as the saiyan snuggled into you for comfort. It had been a few weeks ago when Chi-Chi died giving birth to Goku's second son, Goten, and the entire world seemed to stop in it's tracks. You hated to admit it, but Chi-Chi wasn't exactly a friend of yours, more like the opposite. You had feelings for Goku ever since you met him in the woods and he saved you from a couple of some rather sinister guys trying to drag you into the secluded forest. If it hadn't been for Goku, you would've surely met a terrible fate. Naturally, you grew fond of him when he offered you to stay at his house with him, his wife, and his first son Gohan. Through the years, you helped Gohan study and pratice martial arts. However, you were quite jealous of Chi-Chi, being married to Goku. After all, you still harbored feelings for the goofball. You never said anything about it and kept it bottled up safely inside you. Now with Chi-Chi gone, you could have a chance with Goku, but you decided to be patient and just continue being a shoulder to cry on.

The sound of Goku composing himself jerked you from your thoughts, and the weight of his head left your shoulder.

"Thanks, y/n," Goku said beween whimpers. "You've been such a great help around here and I'm surprised you didn't try to find another place to live."

You stared at him in shock. "Why would I find another home? Goku, this is my home. I've never felt any sort of belonging until I came here. I would only leave if..." you trailed off, not sure if you wanted to continue.

Goku met your e/c eyes. "You would only leave if..." he echoed, obviously wanting you to finish your sentence.

"If you really wanted me gone," you explained, your voice betraying sadness.

"I don't want you gone, y/n," Goku said, flashing you a brief smile, a smile you haven't seen since Chi-Chi's death. "You've actually made yourself useful around here; you cook, you clean, you help around in so many ways. Chi-Chi stated to Bulma that you were like her sister."

Now you felt guilty. You were jealous of Chi-Chi, and were somewhat ok with her passing, but hearing how much Chi-Chi praised you and liked having you around made you regret all of that.

"Wow..." You could only murmur, at a lost for words.

Goku's grin faded. "And now she's gone... nothing will ever be the same without her."

God you pitied him. You could tell he was about to cry again. You helped him up off the sofa which you two had been sitting on for the past thirty minutes. You set him at the kitchen table.

"Want some dinner?" You asked. "I'll make your favorites."

"No thanks y/n, not tonight. I want to cook." Goku's voice had changed. It sounded... confident.

"Er... Goku, are you ok? You've never offered to cook." You moved over to him, looking for something wrong. Maybe a fever or any other illness you could check for.

"But y/n, I want to start helping out too," Goku whined. "I can't be sitting here and moping. Chi-Chi would want me to get ahold of myself and stop crying."

You were taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor but said no more. He was right. Knowing Chi-Chi, she would want him getting off his butt and start taking control of things.

Goku stood up and walked into the kitchen. He gave you another goofy grin and snatched your apron, beginning to put it on.

You couldn't help but laugh hysterically as Goku strutted in your apron. "Alright, Goku, what do you want to cook tonight?"

[Timeskip brought to you by Super Kami Guru!]

You two made a fine dinner of fish, poultry, and dozens of other food items. You were used to cooking so much food, and you wondered how you would pay for the grocery bills.

Gohan and baby Goten joined the two of you. You prepared some baby food for Goten as Gohan and Goku continued eating.

Goten squealed with delight at the sight of food and you glanced at Goku. "Like father, like son," you teased. "He's literally a chip off the old block!"

Goku laughed at your comment and continued shoving food into his mouth.

As you turned to get some food for yourself, you heard Goten start to speak. "Ma..."

The room fell silent, all eyes on the small infant.

"What did he say?" Gohan asked.

Goku remained speechless. His eyes were glued on you.

"Ma...ma. Mama," Goten mewled excitedly. His onyx eyes were also looking at you.

You said nothing. You froze in shock, and you felt numb. You glanced at Goku.

He had a shocked and somewhat happy expression on his face.

"Mama?" Goten repeated in a concerned tone, and you weren't sure if it was from a lack of response or because you haven't fed him yet.

"Goku?" You turned back to the saiyan.

Goku stood up. "Well, y/n, I have a small favor to ask of you..."

"What's that?" You asked.

"I want you to be Goten's foster mother," Goku replied. "You raised Gohan so well, and Goten needs a mother. I have no idea how to raise a baby, so I was wondering if you could do it?"

You grinned, feeling a small blush warm your cheeks. "I'd be honored..."

[Timeskip brought to you by Fabulous Unicorns Dancing To 'Time Warp' From Rocky Horror!] (I feel as if I'm the only one here who has seen that movie..)

Months later, you were in bed, Goku at your side. You two were married, and despite how guilty you felt, you knew it was right. Goku had to move on, Goten needed a mother, and you just so happened to be there. As Gohan got a job and attended college and Goten enjoyed the days of learning about the world, you were finally happy with the man who stole your heart all those years ago. You felt Goku's arms wrap around you tighter, and you were pulled into his chest. You opened one weary eye and smiled. You were happy, and so was everyone else. There would be no more worries for now.

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