The Letter

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hey reader's here's the new chapter for black asylum 

Low faint sobs echoed throughout the pitch-black hallway as I began to stir my vision clouded sitting up blinking taking in the small room observing the dull disintegrating

creamy wall closely.

Spotting my duffle bag on the wooded desk I leap myself off the bed quickly my feet

meeting the icy solid concrete kneeling down I yanked the zip down .

Rummaging through the bag finding only a few pairs of clothes, shampoo & conditioner and my tooth brush I breathed out leaning my back against the door.

Getting up slowly off the ground my eye notice a white rectangle square paper snatching from the pile of clothes on the ground unfolding it my eyes skimmed over the black ink splatters


It is great pain and sorrow that I'm writing you, but we…………..had

send.. You away honey we thought it was for the best.

But one question raven why honey would you try to kill yourself


We just want what‘s best for you we hope in time you come to forgive us & that you will come home soon.

Remember we love you so much

Dad & Mom

ran my fingers across the tear stains page, I could picture my father writing this letter in his scrawly rough handwriting, as my mother sat next to him softly weeping.

It pained me to read how I hurt them but the dark casted shadows were everywhere even if I didn’t see them I felt their presence I started to see them when I was 13 I thought it was just a “phase” I was going through but as I got older it became worser they would leave bruises, cuts , even scars.

Then I heard a low faint sob I shook my head.

What was that? I thought.

Then I hear footsteps and the sob getting louder I shot up of the floor and jump for the bed diving underneath the blanket as I remained still waiting.


My blood when cold as I frozen in place I heard the footsteps and sobs become much clear now wedged my eyes closed firmly feeling the blanket lowly been tug down I I closed my eyes tighter as I felt the cold chilling breath on my neck my the hairs standing up

im going to leave it there

so what did you think ??




peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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