Chapter 2 - Deal

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-:(/):- Ginny's POV -:(/):-
The next few days passed without much happening except me constantly making a fool of myself in front of Harry. Thankfully, Hermione had arrived, which meant that most of the times I fell, or did anything else embarrassing, the three didn't even notice.
It was a bit awkward at night, I suppose, because Hermione and I barely knew each other. We would usually just sit silently, either reading or doing summer homework.
One night, I was finishing an essay for Professor Snape, when Hermione suddenly snapped her book shut, startling me. She sat up abruptly.
"I can't take it anymore!" She exclaimed. "All this awkward silence!" I stared at her.
"Can we at least try to be friends?" Hermione asked. "Talk to each other?"
I considered this.
"Okay." I replied.
"Okay?" Hermione asked. "That's it?"
She looked at me, exasperated.
"You know what?" She said, after a short pause. "Let's start over." She extended her hand towards me.
"Hello." She said. "I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?"
I stared at her outstretched arm, but eventually gave in, took her hand in mine, and gave it a firm shake. "Ginny Weasley." I answered.
"Pleasure." She replied, grinning.


Over the next few days, Hermione and I actually became... close. I had never really had a good friend before (unless you counted Luna Lovegood, but somehow, people never do).
The thing that really brought us together was one night when Hermione had come bathing in the door, slamming it on her way in. She furiously sat down on her bed, and turned with her back towards me. She was mumbling something I couldn't quite catch, but I could just make out the words "Stupid... Unfair... Just because I'm a girl... Kill him..."
It took me a while, but I finally worked up the courage to ask her what was wrong.
I heard her take a deep breath and sit up to face me.
"Oh," she began, blushing mildly. "Well, it's just that... Well, Ron was just being stupid, that's all."
"Oh my gosh, tell me about it!" I said, wanting to make Hermione feel better. "Don't worry. Ron's stupid to everyone, not just you."
Hermione cracked a small smile. I decided to go on. "Once," I said. "I got a bunch of those plastic spiders from a muggle shop, and hung them above his bed." Hermione's eyes grew wide with anticipation. "When he woke up, he screamed so loud it must've woken everyone in a 2 kilometer radius. He jumped out of his bed, ran downstairs, and asked Mum to go kill them! He hadn't even realized they were fake!" I grinned at Hermione, and was just lucky enough to get a smile back.
Suddenly, her face fell again. "It's just that..." Hermione got up and checked behind the door, then turned back to me. "You have to promise not to tell anyone." She said. "Of course!" I replied. "What is it?"
Hermione leaned in to my ear, and whispered quietly "I think I... just maybe...might like Ron."
I gasped. Hermione immediately grabbed a pillow off her bed and buried her face in it, but not before I saw that her face was bright red in color.
After a minute of sitting like that, her muffled voice said "Now it's your turn to tell me a secret!" Hermione removed her face from the pillow and gave me a sly smile.
"Oh," I said. "Um, no thanks. I'm good."
"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing my arm. "You have to!" Her chocolate-brown eyes bored into mine, making me squirm. "You can trust me." She promised.
I could've told her something else. Anything else, really. But something in my gut was telling me what to do. After a minute of working up my courage, I leaned in and told Hermione about my crush on Harry.
Her eyes lit up. "Ginny!" She said suddenly. "Can we make a deal?" I stared at her, skeptical, but finally responded "Ok..."
Hermione's eyes twinkled. "Listen. I'm Harry's best friend. You like Harry." I nodded, not seeing where she was going with this. "And you're Ron's sister. And I like Ron."
"Yeah..." I replied. "So... What's the deal?"
"The deal is that I'll help you with Harry if you help me with Ron!" Hermione let out all in one breath.
"So?" She asked. "What do you say?"
I stuck out my hand. "Deal." I said.
Hermione smiled slyly.


Hello my little owlets!
How was this chapter? If you liked it, remember to vote, comment, follow; all the stuffs.
ANYWAY, I've decided that I will try my hardest to update Finally every Friday.
Also, I've decided to stop writing Lily Luna. It just wasn't... fun anymore, y'know?
Thank you for reading and buh-bye cutie pies.

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