Chapter 7

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"Even if you called 6 months later at 3am I'd still answer."

He had to be one of the most hypocritical person I knew. Three days, that's how long I had not talked to him merely made any eye contact. I refused each and every time just as he did. All contact was either glares or intense gazes from the across the rooms. Three days ago I had been told by Lucus who was still in the dungeons, that I had to help the maids out as it would keep my mind of everything and also that Ash had made the decision that I needed to help around.

The maids were ran by Martha the old women that I had the pleasure of welcoming me here. Quite an amusing name considering she was the spawn of the devil and had the name of an old sweet grandma that bakes cookies with you.  Hell no she'll whoop your ass the minute you made the tiniest mistake. In them three days I had also made my mind that the term house did not fit this building it a bloody mansion. And I had got lost multiple times.

"Take it, it's ready." A voice said behind me. Oh that voice, the girl which I would love to throat punch. I turned around to come face to face with  Becky one of the maids. She was holding out the tray of food which had to be taken to the main office. I had been putting my turn of for the last three days and offered them to Becky as she loved prancing around with her boobs on display and Martha refused to say anything as she was the favourite maid. Becky had found out that I was avoiding my turn and wanted the pleasure of seeing me suffer, people like her reminded me that the devil lives amongst us.

After snatching the food tray from her hand and getting a sneer from her I headed towards the grand office, which was located on the left hand side of the grand staircase, yeah everything had 'grand' before it because it was so bloody big. The door didn't have the usual bodyguards standing on either sides which I saw when cleaning. Not taking any notice I knocked twice hearing no response I hesitated to enter and contemplated weather to leave or not. What if he was in there all I had to do was go in leave the food and leave, that's it, i could do that quickly and get out of here. This pep talk wasn't helping me but I didn't want to face Martha so I entered the room and froze as my brain stopped functioning.

 There sat the beast in his glory yet I couldn't see all of him as a semi-naked girl sat on his lap dry humping him. Rage ran through my body like an automatic response the feeling was intense. I saw red. My fist clenched and my jaw started aching from the pressure I was placing on it. The tray in my hand fell on to the floor, the plate breaking into pieces. Their gaze turned towards me at inhumane time. I took the large broken piece of the plate and with unbelievable accuracy that I never knew I had I threw it towards the girl it was stuck in to the side of her neck as she screamed blood gushed out.

 Ash's eye widened at my actions as he got up to move. My jaw rippled in pain as I hissed at him, it was like I had no control over my body and all I wanted to do was make that girl bleed to death. "Whore" it came out as a growl as I turned and slammed the door shut to the room making my way towards my room.My hand and body was trembling. My heart felt like it was beating hundred miles per hour. I hissed like an animal at him. What was happening? As my breathing slowed down I recalled the event again and again and still couldn't figure out why I felt so much rage about it. 

 I made my way over to the bathroom and striped my clothes of hopping into the shower I turned the water to cold as my body felt like it was on fire. I had to escape I couldn't stay here I had to escape I'm not meant to fit in with these people.

Later that day I waited for the right time. A maid had come with my food and had said that Ash had 'commanded' me to meet him at night. Huh yeah like I was going to listen to that bastard I didn't have a death wish. I would be long gone before he would have the chance to see me. After she had left I made way to the small cupboard like room retaining all the bed sheets yeh sue me it was the old fashion yet effective way of escaping. I had done it multiple times with Chase when he had been grounded. Chase, I really do hope he's okay I miss him so much.

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