Blood Brothers

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I chew on the Aero bar slowly, thoughtfully, and I try so hard not to turn to him and tell him everything. He's being so nice, for once, and I'm so vulnerable right now... my fangs are out, and he's right there... ugh. I need to get a grip. It's fine. The bar is gone in seconds, so I turn back around and face him. He's looking at me with a strange expression, and his eyes are glowing. Not literally, that would be fucking disgusting.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asks.

"I'm fine...I just... I gotta go check something out." I'm in need of some blood, so I don't have many excuses as to why I need to leave, but he stays where he is anyway. I guess when faced with certain death together, people can better understand each other. I can't say I'm unhappy with this.

I wander off into the woods, as far as I can get without getting lost. I cast a Doe, a deer, and two minutes later, a pale white doe walks out, all beauty and grace. It looks at me once, and tenses up. I have that effect on most animals. It doesn't run, however, and in one fluid motion, I'm biting into it and drinking my fill of its blood. I'm almost done with it and I hear a soft rustling in the bushes around me. "Must be a rabbit," I think, and I continue. Maybe I'll drain the rabbit. Because I feel like it.

Then a giant unicorn steps out, even more gracefully than the doe did. I can't help myself. I drop the now-empty doe and step towards the majestic creature. I am within a foot of the unicorn, when it fucking bites me.

The animal is on a rampage. I do my absolute best to avoid its sharp horn, but it's swinging it around so fast, even I have trouble dodging its attacks. I'm doing ok for a while (although I do have a few minor cuts), but then I feel a white-hot pain going through my upper arm. I look down and see the unicorn's horn impaling my bicep, and I almost black out from the pain. It's thrashing about, which doesn't help. I can't kill it, because they're endangered. I'm screaming for help, but no one can hear me. I might actually die here.

In the distance, through my screams of pain, I can hear someone calling me. It sounds like... no. It's Simon. He can't come here! He'll see the emptied doe, he'll get himself killed...

He'll save me.

I scream a little more, and the horn goes deeper. I'm backed against a tree now. The unicorn has pinned the piece of its horn that pierced through the other side of my arm into the soft wood of the tree. Simon bursts into the clearing, but doesn't even bat an eye before taking his sword out and slashing madly at the poor creature. I do want it dead, but it is technically illegal... so Simon could go to jail. Then I look at my arm, which no longer hurts because of adrenaline, and remember that this response is perfectly justified.

The unicorn falls to the ground, next to the doe. I fall with it, as I am still attached. The pain immediately returns, and I have to do my best to avoid crying right then and there. I cannot, however, avoid hyperventilating. Simon is kneeling next to me with a worried look on his face

"Get well soon!" he cries, trying to spell me better. That spell in particular is far too weak, however, and only fixes a minor bit of the wound. I do feel much better, however, as Snow has started a barrage of healing spells. None of them are all too powerful, but that's for regular mages. Simon has an ungodly amount of power, so it doesn't take quite as long for him to heal me. He is not, however, very good at controlling them. He almost went off.

"Are you ok?" he asks then, and props me up against the tree I was pinned to. In the process of healing me, he set some things on fire, and I try to put them out with a spell, but unfortunately, my wand arm was the one that got stabbed. I wince in pain, and Simon starts another barrage of healing spells. There is no more that can be done at the moment, so none of them do any good, but I do appreciate the effort.

"Snow," I start, "There's nothing more to be done. I just need to get out of here." I try to stand but I can't. My feet should have been fine, but I guess they got stamped on during my adrenaline rush, because they hurt almost as bad as my arm. I fall back down as soon as I manage to get up. Simon tries to pick me up, but I will NOT have that. I push him off of me, but he has the nerve to persist.

The universe really must hate me, because the only way he could carry me was bridal style. I cannot stand this any longer, but there is nothing I can do. Simon's spells have been rendered useless, and I can't push off of him without hurting myself even more. Eventually I just give up and listen to his heartbeat. Eventually, I fall asleep to that.

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