At You're Own Risk

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There I was as a Minecraft wolf puppy minding my own business, other puppies all around me. We're at the edge of the woods. It snowed about twenty minutes ago so the snow was soft.  We're looking for food as a pack. No adults. 

We're walking North, sniffing for some food. Jut anything we can eat.

I hear a deep howl come from a little ways off. All the puppies immediately look that way. We all know what that means: We have to get elevated. And howl, so they won't eat us.  On top of the Minecraft pine trees, we quickly climb, and jump up to the tops. 

But I trip and fall in the snow, and I try to get up, but it's to late, they're here. Big dogs, much bigger then us. Come chasing us, trying to eat us. A dog comes up to me, drool dripping out of it's mouth. I knew that I was a goner. But instead of sinking it's jaws in to my skin, it speaks. A girl dog.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you. Just stay still, I'll pretend to eat you. So the other dogs will think that I'm on their side. She starts making nosies, growling, and vigorously shaking her head. 

No one was paying any attention to us. But then a dog looks and sees that we were faking. The dog starts growling. She looks up. Then down to me again, "Run." she whispers.

Shocked, but still focused I get up and run as fast as I can, she's close behind me. 

The scene turns into a parking lot at night. We turn into humans. Me and my sister, holding bags full of candy. Like a child after Halloween. We're still running until we see a security guard. He's guarding a small path covered with a gate and ivy crawling all over it. 

We run up to him to ask him if we can go down the path.

He scoffs, "I guess, but you'll probably disappear." And at that, he walks away.

We look down it, and see nothing but darkness. Except at the very end, which is far away, there was a small, dim light. 

We decide to invite a few of our friends and have a party. Right at the entrance. 

We all come the next morning. There we are, sitting down in a circle at the entrance of the mysterious dark path. Even though it's late morning, the path is still as dark as it was the night before.

We're all just sitting there, me, Christie (my sister), Fredrick, Kacie, Mark, Cortland, Anna, Anna's mom, Mrs. Gurnett, and a few other teenagers. Mrs. Gurnett wanted to come to supervise us. Smart choice. 

She brought four boxes of Pizza Hut pizzas and 2 one Liter bottles of Coca-Cola. All of us, a bunch of teenagers and a mom, sitting and eating pizza....for 3 days. Nothing else. 

Some how there was still pizza left. But I didn't think much of it. After the first day we were pretty fine. Just talking, having fun. But the second day, we started acting, drunk, crazy. You could say...mad. Yeah, that's it. We were mad. Mad, like the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Drinking Coke from the bottle, drinking it like it was alcohol. 

 "Fredrick!" Mrs. Gurnett said alarmed.

Fredrick looks up from a pizza box he's been licking for quite sometime. His eyes dilated, "What?" He asks, confused.

"Are you okay? You're scaring me."

He smiles, "Oh, sorry Mrs. Gurnett, I just really like this sauce." He points to the pizza box with leftover pizza sauce on it. He starts laughing.

"Oh, okay then" She says confused, but chuckles anyway. 

Third day everyone's eyes were dilated. And the pizza was running out. We started doing crazy things. Inching closer and closer to the dark, mysterious, path. Everyone was shaking, murmuring sometimes to ourselves. But we mostly just talked to each other. Talking about the path sometimes. How scary, and creepy it was. 

"I bet I can go in there and nothing will happen!" Kacie exclaims. Everyone is laughing, but in an encouraging way. 

She stands up and everyone is silent. She walks in, sits down, and then starts laughing. Everyone joins in. Laughing like we're mad. As mad as you can get. Squeezing our eyes, and clenching our stomachs, laughing so hard. The laughing is finally subsides. We open our eyes, wiping the tears away. I look over to where Kacie is, to find out she's not there!! 

"Where'd she go?!" I yell and point. Everyone looks at where I'm pointing. Where Kacie used to be. They look at each other. They immediately stand up and run away. Like something was chasing them. It was just me and Christie left. All the pizza boxes and bottles on the ground. 

We get up, confused. Not knowing what to do. We decide to go look for Kacie in the path.  As dark and mysterious as it was, we needed to find our friend. We step into the ivy tunnel, unprepared, and unarmed...

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