Just a Dream . . . . Please By: Nekoyaz

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Just a dream....Please

*"Well he's a jerk, you hear me?"* (Surrounded by ** means over the phone) "yes, yes, i heard you the 12th time, i don't see whats so wrong with him." Samantha leaned back in her desk chair. She was supposed to be studying, but whatever, the only reason she was sitting in the stupid, uncomfortable chair, was to please her mom. Sammantha's bluetooth headset, on the right ear of course, gave off the perfect illusion of a studious daughter, if her mom just glanced thru the door on Samantha's left. *"whatever, i'll never understand what you see in him, anyways are you going with kate to the concert this weekend?"* Samantha's friend Jami changed the subject. Samantha sighed, "yeah." Jami musical laugh was distorted by the phone, *"I thot you were looking foreward to this? huh?"* Samantha smiled to herself. "that was before i found out that Kate's favorite band was the Beach Boys." *"serves you right, thats what you get for planing something on my brother's birthday, now i have nobody to talk to ."* Jami said. Samantha heard her mom coming up the hall, "shh, a rents comin." Samantha leaned foreward and stuck the end of her pencil in her mouth, like she was thinking hard about the questions on the worksheet in front of her. "Sam." Her mom said. Sammy looked up, and pretended like she hadn't noticed her mom standing there.

"Ma'am?" Samantha asked. "i'm going to the store, i'll be back in 30 minutes." Her mom turned and left. Samantha waited til she was sure her mom was at the end of the hall before she started talking again. "kay, coast is clear." Samantha said. "So what are you doing now?" Jami asked. "i was pretending to study, but my mom's only gonna be gone for like an hour tops, thats not nearly enough time to go anywhere." Samantha complained. "we could always pick on ppl on an online game or something." Jami suggested. "ok, which one?" Samantha turned to her computer and pressed the on butten, making sure the volume was down before she did, just incase her mom had come back inside for something. *"how about Run-What the heck? is that an airplane?"* Jami said startled. Samantha strained her ears, but it wasnt long before she could easily hear it. It sounded just like one of those WWII bomber planes when they dived.

*"Oh My Go-"* Jami's voice was cut off by the sound of screaching metal. Then there was an explosion, then the phone went dead. "what the." Samantha said. And she quickly hit redial. She didn't even get a ring before Jami's phone went to voice mail, *"hello? . . .yeah . . .mm hmm. . .got ya! this is my voicemail! anywayz, leave Jami, Thats me! a voice message, and i Might call ya back."* That was weird, Samantha thot, Jami never turns her phone off. Samntha tried her house phone, it rang 4 times before someone answered, *"H-hello?"* A tiny high pitched voice answered. It was Jami's 6 yr old brother Andy. "Andy? Wheres your sister?" Samantha asked. the boy sniffled, *"i don't know."* Samantha heard the sound of fire crackling in the background, and a scream far off in the distance. "what happened are you ok?" Samantha asked, trying to be pateint with him. *"i-i was riding my bike, cuz mommy said she was busy, and i was at the end of the road and i h-heard a loud sound and and i looked back and there was this huge airplane and and it h-hit our house."* Andy sniffled somemore. OMG,omg, omg! Samantha thot. "what are you doing? what does your house look like?" Samantha asked desperately. *"it's on fire."* Samantha felt tears start at the corners of her eyes, there was no way Jami could have survived something like that. Samantha felt like her world was ending, like nothing would ever be right again, like a peice of her had died too. Samantha knew she was going to start freaking out any minute, but she heard another sniffle, no, she couldn't freak out yet, she owed it to Jami to make sure notheing happened to Andy. If Samantha didn't do something, he could die, Jami's family lived way out in the country, Samntha remembered that her nearest neighbor was at least 5 miles away, much too far for a little boy to walk to. "Andy, i'm gonna have to hang up now, i'm gonna call you right back ok? stay at the tree line, dont go anywhere near the house, got it?" then samantha remembered the fire, her brain was going sluggish now, "oh, and if the fire gets to the wood, run down to the side of the main road, ok? i gotta go, bye."

Samantha took a deep breath, then dialed 9-1-1. *"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"* Samantha took a ragged breath, "i need an ambulance, and a fire truck." *"could you state your emergency?"* "a plane. A plane crashed into a house and its on fire, and theres a little boy by himself and he needs help" Samantha said as calmly as she could. *"could you tell me the address?"* Samantha listed off the address that had been her second home for many years."We're sending some1 now." Samantha sighed, "thank you, i gotta go." *"wait, you need to answer some questions."* "No, i need to call Andy back, because, he's by himself!" Samantha practicaly shreiked.

*"Samantha?"* Andy answered after the first ring, how the phone was still working, Samantha didn't know, she was just so grateful. "are you ok Andy?" Samantha asked. *"yeah."* Andy answered. "i called for help, a fire truck is coming." Samantha told him. *"really?"* Andy's 6 yr old mind was easily distracted. "yep a big red one." samantha said. Then she heard Andy gasp, 8"Snowbelle! Oh no Snwbelle!"* Samantha heard the sound of Andy running akwardly. *"Oh snowbelle! Come here kitty!"* Andy cried. Oh yeah the cat, Samantha remembered the huge, fat, fluffy, white persian they had. But wait, with all that fur . . . "Andy-" Samantha began, but she heard Andy scream. *"snowbelle!"* Then she heard a clunk sound, like the phone being dropped in the grass. And she heard andy start crying really loud, wether in pain or because the cat died, Samantha couldn't tell. Then she heard a quiet pitiful mewling. "Andy, please pick up the phone." Samantha said. she heard the sound of clumsy hands trying fiddling with the phone, then another clunk, when it hit the ground again. *"i can't!"* andy cried in pain. *"My hands hurt! Snowbelle was on fire. i hadta put him out!"* then Samantha heard the ambulance in the background. she sighed in relif, "it's ok Andy, you hear that, the firetruck and ambulance are almost there." then something that had been neadling at Samantha's mind came foreward, "Andy, where did you chase snowbelle to exact-" Boom! Samantha screamed at the top of her lungs as the propane tank at the back of the property exploded.

Note from me: I'm morbid arnt i?

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