Libraries Can be Dangerous By: Nekoyaz

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Libraries Can Be Dangerous by Nekoyaz

Mark stared at the library door. He had never been inside a library before, but he didn't know where else to go to get a book for his book report. This was the first project his teacher, Mrs. Puff, had ever given them. Most of the time she was yelling at SpongeBob.

Mark went inside and saw that his friend, Qui, was there, hiding in a corner. Mark headed for Qui's table, and the second he sat down, his other friend, Mac Kayla, ran over, "Hey Mark! Hey Qui! What's up! OMG! I didn't know you could read!" Mac Kayla said.

Mark picked a book and they headed over to the check out desk. The librarian turned around and said, "Yes?" It was the Crypt Keeper! He did his creepy laugh, making Mark scream like a girl. "Could you lower your voice, this is a library." The Crypt Keeper said. Then his hand fell off, and he laughed again. Mark screamed, and backed up. The Crypt Keeper shrieked, "I told you!" Suddenly an army of zombies fell from the ceiling.

A zombie janitor grabbed Mark, it started trying to bite Mark. Qui opened his art book and flipped to a picture of Reptar. Qui closed his eyes and the picture glowed blue. Reptar climbed out of the picture and grabbed the zombie janitor. Then flung it in the air and swallowed it in one gulp. Reptar blew fire on them, turning them into little piles of ashes. The Crypt Keeper shrieked, "You fools!" drawing Reptar's attention to him. Reptar roared, then ate him.

They looked around the library and finally noticed what a mess Reptar made. They both got out of there quick, before they got blamed for it.

The next day, they heard there was a new librarian, so they went to see them. When Mark saw who it was he screamed like a little girl and ran away. Qui rolled his eyes and turned back to the new librarian. "Hello, my name is Freddy Kruger." The new librarian said, then he Took Qui's book with a clawed right hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2009 ⏰

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