New Start

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Skylar's POV

Picking up the last box, I realized how fucking much I'll miss this place. Just kidding!

This place is a fucking dumpster and I'm not proud to live here. With my family's stacks of sweet, sweet money in surprised my prissy mother even settled down in this house.

Okay, you probably think I'm this annoying, spoiled, rich, preppy kid, right? Wrong. Every teen girl likes some money. To buy whatever their into. And, skateboards don't come cheap in California. Neither to pools and private beaches. I love to swim.

I also love to wear leather jackets in the blazing heat of the Cali sun. But, everyone has their likes and dislikes.

So, you're probably assuming I'm moving because of my moms jobs transfer, but nope. My mom didn't get a job transfer. We're moving because I got kicked out of school.

Yep, call me badass. I like it.

Now, my mom has packed everything up and we're getting on a moving truck. New start, new opportunities to make teachers hate me and students to fear me. Maybe even settle down with a hot guy. *wink wink*


The only thing i think I'll maybe miss is the location of my crappy house. It's next to a calm forest, where I like to go into to calm down sometimes. It's my only secret. I'm not all badass all the time.

So, we're moving to Saint Barbara. A nice, calm place with our own private beach and shit. It's gonna be awesome.


I couldn't believe the house. Scratch house, it was a fucking mansion! And, sure I liked some money, who doesn't, but if anyone at school finds out I'm living here, I'm fucking doomed.

Don't even get my started on my room.

But, rest to sure I'm painting the walls black as soon as possible because their light blue.

"Sky! Come down here for dinner!" I heard my father yell up the staircase.

I didn't bother replying, I just passed out if my room and down the marble stairs with my bare feet.

The smell of take-out Chinese filled the down stairs.

Mom must be at the store. She hates take-out from any place. I thought to myself.

My mother, Heidi Woods, is by far the most annoying person I've ever met. She rarely talks to me, is only interested in buying a new fur coat, hates actual good food, and acts like a snob about everything.

"The gutter is too dirty! Harold, clean it."

"My car is over 2 years old, I need a new one!"

"I haven't gotten a manicure since 3 days ago, Harold, take me!"

Those are just examples of what she would say.

My father, Harold Woods, is so cool. He accepts my appearance, lets me swear around the house, and when moms not around, he lets me decide what's for dinner or what to do.


I took my seat at the table.

Everything else in the house looked empty. The tv wasn't up, there wasn't a couch, the fridge didn't have anything clipped to it. The house looked blank. And it was relaxing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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