Chapter Four: Mystery Man

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---Mystery Man's Pov------

I knew I was going to be late I just knew it! If I am late to meet my brother, he would never let me live it down.

There are only two things my brother cares about- Himself and his job. Not a thing else, it's all about his career.

I never thought the roles would be reversed. I mean here I am at university working to become an architect, while he's at his law firm being an emotionless lawyer. While I go home every chance I get, he stays at the office or his flat. For the love of God he hasn't seen or talked to Blaire since last Christmas.

Blaire is our seventeen year old sister; whom we used to be close to. Now it's just me and I am scared it will stay that way. But she needs both of her brothers, not one who's there all the time and one who barely even calls to check in.

No one had seen it coming. Back in high school I was your typical overachiever, the student body president who would kill before being late. While my brother did do well in school he never liked it. He was your typical Jock, who lived for popularity. But he did love our family, and that all changed when he became a lawyer.

Everyone assumed I would be the lawyer or business major. But I never found an interest in that; I loved staying up late and making models of anything and everything. From sky scraper to small cozy cabin, I lived for it.

It was a surprise to everyone when I chose to go to school and become an architect. Even my own father seemed shocked that his valediction son did not want to pursue law. But I guess you have to expect the unexpected.

The mask I wore was always in place, so it wasn't a shock that everyone -including my family- found it hard to believe.

Being so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice a person in front of me. This insured me knocking us both off our feet. When I looked down at the person below me my first thought was 'Beautiful'.

Her bleach blonde curls were sprayed out over the crystal like snow. She had rosy red cheeks and captivating blue eyes. I couldn't help but be drawn in.

I quickly realized after a few seconds of my staring, that I was all but crushing her. I stumbled a little but swiftly regained my balance and offered her a hand up; which she accepted.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I'm late for a meeting with my brother... I'm so sorry!" I said honestly while looking her over just to make sure she was okay. The giggle and the shake of her head, that made her shiny locks fly, told me she was.

"No need for an apology. But go! You are obviously late and I am taking up your time!" She said with all sincerity. I gave her a look as if to ask if she was crazy, before chuckling. This girl was something... Yeah defiantly something.

"But I crashed into you! You're not mad at all?" I asked as amusement danced through my voice as she gave me the same look I had just gave her not even seconds ago.

"No, it was just a bit of snow. It will dry, plus it's not like you planned the whole thing or did you?" She asked sporting a mock curious expression. It was - and I cannot believe i am about to say this- absolutely adorable. This for the first time in a while brought an honest to God smile to my face.

"Of course not, what a thing to say about an innocent man! I'm hurt, at how little you believe in me." I said dramatically cupping my hands over my heart as to say 'I'm wounded'.

"But of course I barley know you! How do I know if you are a murder? Or dare I say a liar?" The bubbly blonde accused with a fake gasp. But with out much thought all I did was give her a wink and walked away. And in...


"Hey! You never told me your name!" Her musical voice yelled through the wind, as did her laughter.

I stopped, turned with a highly amused expression I answered.

"I guess you'll never know!" And with a shrug I ran as fast as I could hoping I wasn't too late for my brother.

But her musical voice and captivating blue eyes still held me captive for the rest of the day.


Hey Loves# how did you like it feed back is much appreciated!

Who is this guy I wonder. ;)

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-Hannah xox

Ps. Sorry it took so long the damn phone deleted it! Oh and a special thanks to @Discodivamaro for the help. Thanks girly! :D

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