Chapter 12 ::I Love You, I Love You Not PT 2::

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I walked into my doorway of my house, I didn't want to think about anything right now. I just wanted to die.

Alec likes me?

Why the fuck would Alec like me?

He likes whores?

Because there not tight.

I laugh, it was true. He only liked the whores, because that meant they would be just fine fucking him.

But I'm not a whore. Why would be go after me?

I sit on my window seat in my living room, it was one of my favorite places to go and think, or bath in the sun.

Knock, knock.

I stand up, walk to my front door and open it.


Why, Jesus! Why Tyler!

"What do you want?" I scoff.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"If you answer my question first?"

"What just happened. That's why I'm here." He looks at me.


I stand to the side and let him in. We walk to the living room, and sit down onto the couch.

"Alec, has been acting werid all day, he finally topped all that creepy."

"What did he do?"

"Well he said, he was in love with me, then kept saying he was my fool, because I said if anyone loved me they'd be a fool. And then. He kissed me."

"And you were just defending yourself because he kissed you?"


"Can I tell you something?"


"The boys do that, to bug me or to bug you. They probably think there is something between us or something. It doesn't make any sense. But that's who they are. None of them go to school anymore. So they are a bit crazy in the head. But can I tell you another thing?"

"What would that be?"

"Don't get mad. But, I am a fool."

"What are you talking about?"

"I-I am a fool, for loving you. Since I seen you for the first time I was afraid. And that gave me a sensation that I now crave the feel for. Sasha, I think I love you. Don't, oh please don't quit, my gang needs you."

I was full of mixed emotions. He likes me, does that mean I can like him back now? He is just trying to make me angry. He is just using me. I don't know what to think.

What do I do, what do I say?


I couldn't say anything, I was just surprised.

"You don't have to say anything, I think your probably mad, or something at me, but hear me out. I don't see you much different, since I first seen you in middle school. And it would make me happy if you are mine, but I don't think you want that, but please stay and train us. We need it, from the best of the best. Please."

"Yeah, I'll stay."

"One question."

"Ask away."

"When we had a beach day, we all where in the water, except for you and James. What where you talking about?"

Oh shit.

"How you guys changed, about your siblings, how you smile more."

It does make sense now, when your around someone you love, you go soft. You smile more.

It makes sense now!


"Ya, I'm sorry, I didn't know about your sister. If you want to talk about it, you can come to me" his hand slid closer to mine and we began holding hands.

Even though I should be mad, I can't help but feel the same for him, the gang leader and the fighter.

Kind of a good ring to it, right?

I mean, maybe deep down I might have feelings for him. Maybe I don't. I don't go down into my feelings much anymore.

Ever since I felt alone.

Maybe, I like him, maybe, I don't.

I wouldn't know, it just makes me mad.

"Can I have a drive home, one of the boys dropped me off."

"My trucks getting fixed right now, I can't."

You can't just walk around in the dark around this neighborhood, it's dangerous.

I had gotten Jake to take my truck and get it fixed, a couple things here and there were wrong with it,  yeah I could do it on my own, I'm smart when it comes to veicles but my problem is where do I find the time.

"How about you stay here, and tomorrow you can get a lift or something."


He lays down onto the couch, when he does his back cracks.

"That didn't sound healthy?"

"Meh, it's the first time it's happened, I'll just ignore it."

"No, you can't hurt yourself, even when your training with me. Come upstairs."

I can't believe I was suggesting it, but he's going to be sleeping with me.

"As long as you keep you hands to yourself, you can keep them." I look at him.

"That'll bee kinda hard."

"Ew, dude. No."

We crawled into my bed, I turned the lights off, and went to bed.

I hope this is the last time he sleeps with me.

Do you ship it!!!!

Tasha! Tasha!

I love it!!!

Favourite chapter so far?

Idk mines like chapter 8. You?


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