The Prank & Party

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I hide behind a car while a vehicle drives by...... ya I am taking this pretty serious but this is the only exciting thing i have in my life right now so why not have fun while I am at it..


A truck parks by the house and of course i overreact and squeeze the bag of peanut butter. Ughhh it's all over my hands.... sorry but i hate peanut butter it just makes me want to puke!!!

Wait... someone's at home i definitely can't do the prank now what if they see me trashing the car..... this sucks..... i was in such the prankster mood!!!!


Ahhhh that was a weird modd...... now i am in the partying mood good thing Halloween is coming up cause i am ready to dance!



I can't believe I am doing this i look like a hooker...... As you notice i seem to talk to myself  a lot ...... mostly in my head cause somethings i say to myself are just stupid. Ya it was the night of a party and I am wearing darker make-up than i usually do, I usually just stick to my natural colors but i wanted to look different tonight. You know have that Cinderella moment where all the guys think your hot and i imagine singing "I got it from my mama!".

But now I am having second thoughts about this whole make-up issue.....ughhhhh and it doesn't help that my friends keep texting me to get my butt ready.

I fix up my make-up so it is not too dramatic and not too natural get some shoes on and walk out to the car.

"Ya Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jessica yells as i get into her red G6, I have to say the sound system in this car is amazing it is perfect for cruising around. I sit in the back b/c Riley was already in shotgun.

"Lets go see if we can pick up some boys!!!!"

(10 min later)

"K, The only boys in this town tonight are Mennonites!!!" I groaned, one of the down sides of living in a very small town there where no smok'n hot guys around.

"Let's just go to the party and who is there." Riley suggested going on her Ipod touch.

Jessica just turned onto the highway and blasted the music as we drove to Barnwell.


As soon as the car was parked you could here the bass blasting from the club...... okay so the club was the senor's center or Club 55+ but they always let us have it for our parties and they aren't that bad.

"I am just going to leave my phone and purse in the car so you guys can leave your stuff in here we can come out here and check it once and awhile." Jessica says, putting on some perfume.

"Okay" I just grabbed some money and my camera and got out of the car waiting for Jessica and Riley.

As we walked in we saw that some people where dressed up in there Halloween costumes and others just wore neon clothes, and then there was the groups. You have your young kids that scream the whole time, the hardcore party kids that now how to dance and the "cool guys" that stand up against the wall that watch you. They are usually graduated from high school and guys so they are kinda creepy. Some of the group of friends i hang out with are their but not many guys.

Oh and if you where wondering if i had my Cinderella moment that i was talking about ya no it didn't happen. I kinda noticed it b/c everyone is always giving complements to my friends and all i am asked by strangers is if my hair is naturally that curly or if i get a perm or that they want my hair. But since I hear it so much i don't really take it as a real complement cause everyone says it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2011 ⏰

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