"How do you like Beijing so far?"I shot out my words like bullets.

"What?"His face blushed. I could tell he had trouble understanding my Beijing dialect.

I laughed. "I could not understand a word by the Beijing men when I was first here. Just like you. Their pronunciation is too vague. It is sickening." I was actually using the words of my college roomate Fang Jian.

His mouth moved slightly, just passed for a smile, although with a big effort.

He quickly finished two bowls of fried rice. The side dishes were not touched at all. I could tell he was really hungry.

"You are a construction major? Good choice. You will be rich. I used to have two friends majoring in construction. They started drawing designs in the junior year of college. They were so rich that they made us Chinese majors very envious." As we walked out of the restaurant, I kept talking with him.

"Which school did you go to?"I asked.

He did not respond, his eyes staring at the elevator door. I was kind of surprised. He did not appear to want to answer the question. Could all he had said be truth? Based on my past experience, it was highly impossible.

We did not speak inside the elevator. It occurred to me that I took a girl from the foreign languages institute here half a year ago. She was not a virgin but new to the money girl business. I did not lack experience seeking prostitution. But this was my first time with a boy with money involved.

It was not until then that I noted that he was wearing a dark blue cloth pants with a white round-collared T-shirt. Simple but clean. Only his pants were kind of short and very used. Also, I found out that he had been observing me, not neglecting a tiny movement of mine.

Once we were inside the hotel room, he looked even more nervous. He just stood at the entrance like a stick.

"Make yourself at home. This is a flat. The outside is dining room and guest room. The inside is bedroom."

Lan Yu was still standing at the entrance.

I turned on the TV and handed the remote control to him.

"Watch some TV. They have many cable channels ." I stopped and stared at him.

"It's up to you. We'll call it quit right now if you don't feel like it. I never force others to do something they don't like. It'll be fine with me just having a meal, chatting and making friends with you. "I smiled.

He took the remote control , his worried eyesight falling on my face and  turning away hurriedly.

"I, I will watch TV."

"Do what you like. I have been out the whole afternoon. I need to take a shower." I entered the bathroom.

July in Beijing was hot and humid. The days are very long. It just turned completely dark at 9. I was sitting on the sofa in my sleeping gown, contemplating how to score him faster. He was in the bathroom. I ordered two glasses of wine, sweet but powerful after drinking. I then inserted a porn movie into the VCR. Everything was ready. I couldn't help being a little nervous.

He stepped out of the bathroom, wearing the big light blue sleeping gown, (I always had brand new sleeping gowns ready in my closet here.) his wet hair disorderly spread over his forehead.

"Want some wine? It's good when you are tired." I passed a glass to him.

He took the glass and still stood there, seemingly at a loss.

"Sit down."

He seated himself and secretly let out a breath. On the TV screen a beautiful naked white girl was licking the cunt of another girl, who was moaning wildly and stroking her own tits.

He seemed to be shocked at what he saw. He sat there motionlessly, his hands tightly grasping the glass. I knew it must be his first time watching a porn movie.

"Have you dated a girl before?"

"Have you dated a girl before?" I repeated myself as he did not respond.

"No." Judging from his voice I could tell he had lost his focus.

I turned around looking at him. His face was reddened. He looked very disoriented. I gently put my hands between his legs and started to stroke on his crotch. His body stiffened. His cock was as hard as rock.

I turned off the TV. He turned to look at me, lost but shyly. I disrobed myself, exposing my strong and smooth body. His eyes never left me while I was disrobing. I lowered my body and took time to take off his sleeping pants. He gently swallowed his saliva. His penis was neither too big nor too small. But his body was not fully developed yet, like that of a teenager, a little skinny. I started giving him a hand job. Then I laid him down on his back on the sofa, our eyes looking into one another all the time. I then licked and felt all over his young body.

"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

He looked at me with no refusal signal in his eyes. I knew I must be extra tender and considerate doing it first time with a virgin, either a girl or a boy. That will leave them an unforgetable experience and they will obey orders later on.

I moved my mouth to his and began tonguing his lips. His mouth was rigid in the beginning but quickly became cooperative. Honestly, his body did not attract me that much then. Rather it was his clean virgin body that got me genuinly excited. It reminded me of my own past. You may call it self-love and self pity. Besides, his eyes were the most unforgetable.

I kissed his face and body wildly, my hands constantly stroking his penis and the neighborhood of his balls. He seemed to have entered the state of excitement. His eyes were wide shut. His breath were getting heavier and heavier. All of a sudden he reached out and groped my arms and uttered a low moan. He ejaculated. He looked depressed.

I sort of wanted to laugh. I didn't expect him to come so fast.

That night we made love two more times. The second time I gave him a blow job. He returned the favor the third time. And we climaxed together. I didn't ask for anal sex. Because it was not time yet.

Maybe because of the effect of the alcohol, maybe because he was too tired or too young, he quicky fell asleep afterwards. Looking at his young handsome face I knew I owed Liu Zheng a big meal after all.

The next morning I woke up early. I had an appointment with heads of the Construction Bank's loan department regarding a loan of 50 million yuan. Realizing that Lan Yu was still fast asleep, I did not bother to wake him up. I ordered a breakfast for him and left a note saying that he was welcome to come to me through Liu Zheng when I could be of any help and that he should leave after he had the breakfast. I left two thousand yuan, one thousand more than I promised. I intended to leave three grand but on second thought I was concerned to spoil him.

"When did you leave this morning? The kid was still sleeping?"

"Yes. What's up?"

"The hotel called and said they found one thousand yuan in the room and a note."

"What note?"

"He said he took one thousand as a loan. He will repay you later. He also said he wants to see you again."

I paused a moment, wondering what to say.

"Ok. I'm busy right now. Let's talk about it when I'm back."

Turning off the cell phone, I began to get the feeling that more was yet to come between me and the boy.

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