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—I thought you didn't want anything to do with me— I said given than yesterday he didn't even wanted me to be 2 inches near him.

—That is still on— he said serious —I have absolutely no interest on having you anywhere near me—he affirmed —but there are too many questions to answer and very few time. 

—You're so sweet— I said with a soft voice and caressed his cheek—Are you saying you need me — he immediately frowned his forehead 

— No, of course not!—he said almost yelling  — I never said that! 

— Louisa!, Louisa!— it was Christian who was running to where Jake and I were, he arrived, grabbed my arm and took me a little further from Jake.

—Give me your car— he said in a begging tone 

—Oh yeah sure — I said sarcastically— don't worry about me, I have a tree that  grows cars in my backyard, just by the money tree, you remember!— I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

—Come on! just for today —he desperately combed his hair with his fingers —I'll give it back to you tomorrow

— Why don't you use yours? — I asked

—My brother needed it because his wasn't working  —  I still didn't quite understand why he was rushing


—No buts...— he interrupted —I have an important dinner with Tiffany and I can't pick her un in a cab — I laughed 

— An important dinner?— I asked laughing as he was still staring at me with begging eyes  —Wait...— I told him and turned to where Jake was with his "talk-to-me-I'll-punch-you-in-the-face" expression. —Gyllenhaal— I yelled and he turned to me — how did you come to school? 

—By car— he said not understanding the situation 

—You're lucky — I told him laughing as I got my keys out of my bag and handed them to him.

—Thanks— he repeated like 5 times before kissing my cheek and then he ran back to god knows where.

—Christian took my car— I informed him — give me a ride?— I asked smiley 

—I don't have a choice, do I?— he answered annoyed and started his way to the parking lot. I closed my locker and walked to him until I caught up.

—Louisa— Tiffany said as she was walking to us, I made a fake smile not stopping my walk— Have you seen Christian? — she asked shyly

—Parking lot —I answered not paying much attention to her.

—So you have no girl friends — he asked whilst we were walking in the parking lot trying to find his car. 

—I don't need them — I answered sure 

— Well, as I see things, Christian is the only one that has "access" to you, right?

—Yes...—I answered and laughed — and since when are you interested on knowing about me? 

—Curiosity, the way you treated that girl confirms to me that you are the most arrogant person I know —I laughed  

— What a coincidence, you are the most arrogante person I know as well...—I said but I later regretted it —No... Casy is— I laughed—you are the most obnoxious  and bitter person I know— I smiled hypocritically.


— Why didn't you let me talk to your siblings? — I asked him as we were on our way to his house 

— I don't want them to have any kind of relationship or contact with you —he answered coldly   —So don't get close to them — he said as he was parking on his garage.

We entered the house and everything seemed normal until all of a sudden a brunette guy came running down the stairs with little Jennifer on his shoulders and Jared just a few steps behind them. 

—Dan I told you not to run down the stairs, and lot less with the kids on you or following you! —he told him getting Jennifer from his shoulders and carrying her on his arms. 

— Look Jake!— Jennifer said excitedly showing him a sheet of paper with a drawing of a princess.

—Thanks Dan— he told the "nanny" 

—That's ok— he smiled and immediately left the house 

— Look!—Jenn repeated  — can I go? can I go? please!— she said with an excited voice, which to be honest if she was asking me it would have been impossible to say no 

—Let's see... what is it?— he put her on the floor and started to read the paper, I really wanted to know what that was, I mean she was so excited, so I got close to Jake's shoulder and read the pink paper on his hands, it was a birthday party invitation.

— That's so cool!—I said excitedly — What are you wearing? — I asked her not even waiting for Jake's answer 

—Hey Hey Hey — he said calming us down, because Jenn was jumping up and down —I haven't even said yes yet, — he answered serious, what I didn't understand was why was he the one to give her permission to go somewhere, what about their parents? 

—please Jake— the little one said with tender blue eyes 

—Oh come on Jake let her go— I added and Jared just laughed behind us — help us out Jared —I told him giggling 

— Will you bring me some cake?— he asked his little sister

—Sure—she said smiley  

—Let her go Jake— he said 

After all our effort and "let her go's" and our puppy eye stares Jake finally agreed to let Jenn go to her first party by herself.

— So what are you wearing?—Jake rolled his eyes  

—She's six years old Louisa she isn't superficial unlike you— he took a seat in one of the living rooms sofas 

—I don't care if she's 6, she's a girl and we all like to look pretty — I told him and stared back at little Jenn 

—I don't own cute dresses like you — she told me whilst touching my dress, I turned to Jake with an angry face 

— She doesn't have any dresses?— I asked just to assure I had listen carefully to what she had told me, and Jenn just agreed with her head.

—Yes you do Jennifer—Jake answered —I saw your closet not so long ago 

—They don't fit me anymore, I'm taller —she said a bit annoyed 

— Are you serious?—I asked her shocked and with a cold stare at Jake —bring your shoes honey — I told her with a big smile 

— Why?— she asked not understanding 

—We, miss Jennifer are going shopping — I told her and an enormous smile appeared on her face

—Hey hey hey— Jake stood up

—Girls only— I said — and I don't care about anything you say — Jennifer  ran upstairs — she's a little girl Jake, she doesn't have any dresses — I complained 

—She does— he said  —I just didn't know she liked them so much 

— You did know she is your S-I-S-T-E-R?— I told him spelling the word sister  —  you do notice the difference from BRO-THER to SIS-TER, right?— I repeated—not brother,  SISTER.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalWhere stories live. Discover now