Chapter 21 - A Day In Heaven

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"So now you're just waiting for her to sort it out?" "Yeah," I respond to Ethan's question. "Well, that doesn't seem too bad. I'm sure she'll do it tonight. But for what it's worth, dude, you are so whipped." A blush creeps up my cheeks and I punch him lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up." He grins and shakes his head, staring out at the girls in their bikinis, draped over their boyfriends' shoulders, excepting Lily, who's in a water fight with Max at the moment. Then I remember Ethan still has to tell me who he likes. I turn and face him. "So...?" He gives a ragged sigh then says, "Dude, it doesn't even matter. She's taken." "So?" I shoot back. "Doesn't mean she won't like you more than her current man." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. She's infatuated with him." "Just tell me who!" I say, shaking his shoulder roughly. "Fine.........I like Amber."

"You like Amber?" I ask, incredulous. Of all the girls, Amber? He seems the least bit interested in her. Ethan nods. "Yeah, Amber. Hopeless, I know." "Maybe not," I say. "Not that I don't like her and Hayden being together or anything, but I think you've really got a shot. They've been arguing a lot lately. I wouldn't know about it except I heard them one night at Hayden's place, bickering back and forth. You should go for her, if she's really who you want." He gives me a bright smile and suddenly says, "Thanks, dude." "No probs." I reply. "That's what bros are for, right?"

Lily's p.o.v

"Anybody up for Truth or Dare?" Of course, the shout came from Hayden. Typical party dude. Still, I agreed, and we sat in a circle while Hayden fetched a beer bottle. I suddenly took notice of something. Hayden and Amber weren't sitting together. Did they have a fight? Oh, well. No relationship's perfect. Instead, Hayden sat next to Ryder, and Amber sat next to Ethan. Hmm, since when did they become friends?

I dismiss my thoughts as Hayden returned with the bottle. He spins it and it lands on Max. "Truth or dare?" "Dare, obviously." he replys with a cocky smirk. Judged by the devilish smirk on Hayden's face, it's obvious that he's cooking up something good. He finally opens his mouth and says, "I want you to grab one of the girls' bras and model it for us." My mouth drops open at the dare. Never before have we done such a dare. If Max agrees to this, I'm talking a video and posting it all over Instagram. He hesitates at first, but his arrogance wins over, and he says, "I'll do it." Laughter erupts from our circle. Max ignores us and heads inside. 

When he comes back out, he's got my blue lace bra over his body somehow and is trying to figure out how to strap it. He fails terribly at this, and keeps having  shove the bra back up on his chest. Meanwhile, I've got my phone out, and I'm taking a video. When he's finished "modeling" and goes back inside, I post it to Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr quickly. I'm going to be so popular on social media now.

Max spins the bottle, and it lands on Mia. "Truth or dare?" She almost immediately answers truth. I don't think that girl has done a dare in her life. Good for her. He thinks for a minute, then asks, "Are you still a virgin?" I raise my eyebrow at him. Seriously? This is the best he can come up with? He shrugs at me as Mia mumbles a quick yes. She spins the bottle then and it lands on Amber. "Truth or dare?" She smirks and replies, "Dare." Mia thinks for a minute or so, then says, "I dare you to make out with the person to the right of you."

We all snicker at that. Mia is so good. She knows very well that Ethan is sitting to the right of her...just the person to make this dare interesting. Amber gulps and ever so slowly presses her lips to Ethan's. Contrary to our beliefs, Ethan actually responds. He kisses her back, and before long, they're lost in their own world. Lips together, kissing the living daylights out of each other.

I turn to see how Hayden is taking this, and he seems remarkably calm. In fact, the douche is smiling! How can this be? They're freaking together! Shouldn't he be the least bit jealous that his girlfriend (or maybe ex-girlfriend, who knows) is sitting over there sucking some random dude's face off, and seems to be enjoying it? If he's not jealous, then he's a bad boyfriend. Come on. It's a boy nature to be jealous...

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