The Great Detective

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In 221b Baker Street lived a very odd and eccentric man named Akashi Seijuurou. His appearance was as magical as his intelligence level. Fiery red hair, striking ruby and gold eyes, lean but fit stature and his body always clad in black and red. He had everything in the world that others would kill for just to own them; brains, looks, money and fame. In short, he was the very embodiment of perfection.

But, unbeknowst to them, there was one thing he never did have nor did he bother to have - it was love (and err, perhaps a humane side). Love? Akashi would cringe on the spot at the mention of such - 'inefficacious' word - as he like to describe it. Perhaps it was this belief that made him the way he was now, an anti-social loner who's blunt with words. Once, a woman who confessed her love for him screamed "Psychopath!" to him after he flat-out rejected her by justifying she had unbearably stinky feet. The redhead calmly replied, "I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." And that marked the end of his 'love affairs' altogether.

Up until today, the brilliant but arrogant detective felt no need to associate himself with other lesser beings, in other words, all humans aside from him. To him, no one could ever be equal or more supreme than he was. His mind was like a racing jet, constantly moving at high speed and never stopping to rest even once. He was different from the rest of the human species who hardly maximise their brain capacities as much as he did. Therefore, he couldn't bring himself to feel attracted to anyone. There was simply no need to.

Akashi would soon realise how wrong he was.

the game is on..!

"This is the place..?" A cool but somewhat toneless voice greeted the sleeping redhaired detective who was lying on the sofa, his long limbs dangled cross-legged at one end of the hard couch. The redhead blinked open his eyes in an instant being the light sleeper he was. "Momoi-san? Is it a guest?" (More like customers or self-proclaimed ex-lovers that were still hung up on him) Akashi stifled a yawn and drowsily raked his crimson hair with his hand as he sat up straight. His unbuttoned shirt fell down from his right shoulder, exposing his well-toned chest. Every woman in the world would definitely melt into a puddle of goo if they could see him now.

"Oh my, forgive me Akashi-kun for suddenly dropping by on such a short notice." A middle-aged woman with greyish pink hair tied into a loose bun smiled apologetically towards the redhead. "But dear, you should dress more properly." Feeling her maternal instincts kicking in, the woman quickly fixed and buttoned up his shirt. She was Momoi Satsuki, the landlord of the house whom Akashi would deliberately mistaken for a housekeeper once in while. "Ah, I almost forgot! He's here. Your new housemate!" She chirped excitedly.

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya, please take good care of me from now on." A man around Akashi's age (or maybe younger due to that large almond-shaped eyes of his) spoke monotonously and bowed almost too politely. Pastel blue hair and eye colour, pale complexion and too small of a stature for a typical young male but most of all that plasticity which irked him to no end. Akashi automatically deduced everything regarding his soon to be housemate; sickly since birth, a pampered young master from a ridiculously wealthy family and a pretentious goody two-shoes. Heh, this one won't last even a day with me.

Just then, Kuroko cast a strange look to the detective, his sky blue eyes gleamed mystically before returning to their normal but slightly dull shine. Akashi dismissed the weird glance from the apathetic man as he dutifully rose up from the couch to greet him properly. "Pleasure to meet you, Kuroko-kun. I am Akashi Seijuurou, the tenant of this...humble abode of mine." He elaborately bowed and presented his living room which was not in a state where one would call 'tidy' in the slightest.

The room was full of scattered books and papers and other things (junks) lying across the floor haphazardly. But, the most eye-catching item of all was a human skull situated on a small desk.

Logic Or Magic?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang