Downhill (Niall Horan)

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his life's going downhill and you're here to save him before it reaches the bottom.

As of early 2013, the famous Niall Horan is depressed. Lacking energy and general cheeriness in performances and concerts, noticeably less enthusiastic about seeing and meeting fans, and his famous uplifting, happy and contagious smile rarely being spotted anymore, it becomes obvious the boy is unhappy, but the reason behind his sudden mood change is unknown.

At first, everyone believes and hopes that this will only last a short while and that this is just a short rough patch in the young star's life, but things don't work out that way. Management, his fellow bandmates, his family, his friends, and his fans grow increasingly worried about Niall's well being, and are even suspicious of him being suicidal.

It gets to the point where Niall has practically shut everyone out, the colour slowly draining from his face and his blue eyes that once glistened with happiness losing the sparkle they always used to have.

Management know they have to do something in order to help the poor nineteen year old's health and happiness, so they eventually decide he needs someone who understands him.

That person is Jennifer Walker.


A/N: ok hi this is a fanfic and like ofmgkdskj are u reading this hi????


thank u for writing like xozoxoxogkeks


thank u for reading***** wtF lisa

ok ily bye,

- MeltedPopsicle :))

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