I was teleported to the entrance of the Grand Magic Games stadium, I came up with an idea.

'I should challenge the guild that wins the Grand Magic Games! They're going to be nobodies since all of the good guilds that competed last year, didn't compete this year.'

After I showed my tag to guards, they let me through hesitantly and I walked into the stadium.


As I entered the stadium, I smelt something- no, someone familiar.

I followed the scent and was led to a balcony where two people were standing at. One kept saying "Cool!" While the other was the source of the smell.

'Is that.. Lucy?'

I grinned widely and walked over next to her.

Sensing me, Lucy looked at me with a confused, but frightened look.

"Who are you? I don't think you're allowed to be up here.." She said hesitantly. Jason, the other person that was with Lucy, looked over at me.

I chuckled and slightly moved my hood so she could she my face. I grinned widely, showing my fangs, "Long time no see Lucy."

Jason immediately went crazy, "Cool, cool, cool! It's the Elemental Princess, (Y/N) (L/N)!"

'Well dang, he's pretty excited.'

Lucy's eyes widened as tears filled up her eyes, "(Y-Y/N)?!"

I nodded, which made her engulf me in a hug. I hugged her back and felt her tears fall onto my cloak.

"I wasn't sure who you were because I felt intensely strong magic power coming from you..! I've missed you so much!" Lucy said as she broke the hug and wiped her face.

"Well I've been training! Where do you live? Because I know that you don't live in Magnolia anymore. I haven't seen you around town." I said with a small smile.

Lucy's eyes widened, "You still live in Magnolia?! I moved here to Crocus because I thought everyone I knew left!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked as I leaned against the ledge.

"I work for Sorcerer's Weekly! Jason hired me. We're here writing about the Games!" Lucy said.

'It's about time she got a job in writing..'

"What about you (Y/N)? What are you doing here?" She asked.

I smirked as I adjusted my hood so it covered my entire face.

"Looking for some fun." I replied.

Just as Lucy was about to say something, they announced the winners of the Games.

"Anndd the winning guild of this years Grand Magic Games is Scarmiglione!" I heard the announcer say.

I smirked as I hear the guild cheer.

'Strongest guild huh? I'll see about that..'

As I got ready to jump into the arena, I felt Lucy grab my shoulder.

I glanced back at her in confusion.

"What are you doing (Y/N)..?!" She asked.

I smirked at her, showing her my fangs, "Having some fun, obviously."

I then jumped into the arena, making dirt go everywhere.


(3rd PoV)
"Whats this? It seems like someone has jumped into the arena!" The announcer said.

"Hey, who are you?" A guy with spiky red hair asked.

Before (Y/N) could answer, a rumble shook the whole stadium.

Someone then emerged from an opening.

The person seemed to be male and he had a cloak on. The hood was over his head, covering his face.

'Who is that? I was about to beat these guys to a pulp.' (Y/N) thought.

"Great. Now who are you?" The red-haired guy asked.

"The challenger." He said.

(Your PoV)
'That voice.. It sounds familiar..'

I got into a fighting stance and looked over the so called challenger.

"Too late buddy. I'm going to beat Fiore's newest strongest guild. Or as they're called." I said to the challenger.

I saw him mumble something, but I couldn't hear him.

'I couldn't hear him? That's weird..'

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." I said.

"Well then, let me help you. I've been waiting for a while to do this." I heard him say with a smirk.

I froze.

'Th-That smirk..'

I then shook my head and smirked back, "Alright."

'Nah, it's not Natsu.'

At the same time, we attacked the winners.

I stood still as I engulfed my hands in water, rock and fire.

I looked over at the challenger and my eyes widened.

'H-He uses Fire Magic?!'

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