Chapter 7- The Journal Entry

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"What does it say?" Piper asked. I shook my head. She rolled her eyes.

My mother tried to excuse his absences all the time. "He's working late honey." "He has a lot on his plate honey." "This is hard for him to deal with." "Don't worry, things will come around." And my absolute favorite, "Things just need to take time, that's all." It took 8 months for my mother to slowly, yet beautifully rot in her bed. The night my mother died, I called my father, asking, begging, pleading for him to come home. I was so afraid to be alone. I fell asleep on the floor, outside of her room that night and when I woke up, I was in my room.
My mom once told me, "When your father realized I was pregnant, he was the same way he is now. He was scared of the change and the responsibility and the time he would lose not doing the things he wanted to do. He was so scared, it even made me scared. The night I had you, he never once took foot in the hospital. My family was furious and called him a coward. When I took you home for the first time, I took you upstairs and to my very surprise, there he was. Standing in your newly built nursery room, smiling and proud. I cried because I knew then that I loved your father for every flaw and mistake that made him. And you should too. Don't be afraid sugarplum, no matter how long it takes, I know your father. And I know in the end, he'll never let you down."
How wrong she was.

I sighed as I rested it on my lap. My stomach ached with a certain guilt. I just read someone's most painful moment of their life. And still no clue who it belong to. But to whoever wrote this, it was as if I was experiencing their pain with them. This person has suffered a great loss, just like I had. They understand the greatest fears that come along with death. They understand what its like to feel alone. I didn't think I could relate with someone else in a very long time. And I wish I knew who this belonged to so I could look them in the eye and let them know that they weren't alone. Because I understood. I know what it feels like to feel like a burden on someone else. To feel like the odd one out, the one who is stuck on their pain of the past. I knew what it was like.

I sighed again and looked at Benny's bed side alarm. 1:21.
"Shit," I cursed at myself. I closed the journal and shoved it in my backpack.

"Where are you going?" Piper asked.

"Home," I said, "Georgia's gonna kill me." I threw my backpack over my shoulder and ran out the door. I was on my bike and speeding to my house with every ounce of energy in me. The streets were dead and cold but I knew very well that Georgia would be up and waiting for me.

As soon as I got home I carefully locked my bike to the backyard gate and snuck in through the sliding door. To my relief, the lights were off and the house was quiet. I slowly tiptoed through the living room and made my way up the stairs.

Until the light flicked on.

I froze mid-step.

"Wesley." Georgia said calmly.

I slowly turned around to find her leaning against the living room door frame. She looked pissed. I sighed. "Look Georgia, I'm sorry. I lost track of time-"

She raised her hand. "Stop Wesley, I don't want to hear it."

"Oh come on, don't be all fussy about it. It's just two-"

"Let me see your backpack." She ordered. I stiffened immediately and shook my head.

"Now Wes." She said sticking out her hand.

I stood in my place, "Come on, it's just my school supplies."

"Now!" She shouted.


She walked up to me and took it from my hands. She tore it open and immediately covered her nose. She muffled a groan as she took out my stash and my homemade pill bottle bong. She threw me back my backpack.

"Go to bed Wes." She said.

"You can't do that Georgia! That's not even mine I swear it!"

"I just did, now go to bed!" She shouted, "I'm tired of hearing your excuses!"

"Then don't bother staying up all night to hear them!" I shot back.

Her voice became dangerously quiet, "Go to bed Wes or I'm going to call the police."

I completely froze. "You wouldn't." I murmured in disbelief.

She took out her phone, "It's only three numbers away."

I shut my mouth and turned around to walk up the stairs. I could hear her breathe in her sobs. "I'm tired of fighting with you Wes. Why can't you just accept that I'm taking care of you now?"

I stopped at the top of the stairs and said in a cold tone, "You're not my mother Georgia. So stop trying to be one." I walked to my room and slammed the door behind me.

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