A Pigs Journey to the Center of the Earth

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John's Note:

"CLANK" I hit a hard object while mining for gems. I brush it off with my bare hands a little bit. It's a treasure chest! I'm wondering what might be in it. So I take my pickaxe and bust the chest open. Revealing a small leather bound book. The title reads: A Pigs Journey to the Center of the Earth. The author's name seems to be covered by a pigs footprint, made by the author himself, although if I hold the first page of the leather bound book to the light I can see the name Hobl. A slightly awkward name, but nevertheless still the name of a hero. Oddly wrote in amazing handwriting for a human. So I'm surprised to see that it's from a pig. So without further ado, let's get to the story!

Hobl's Note:

Hello. If your reading this, that means I need to hide stuff better and that you're semi interested in my adventure to the center of the Earth. Where I still live in a town inhabited by other kinds of pigs. (Some secrets must be kept.) The book was buried after I came back from my first adventure. Even though coming down to my village was an extreme challenge the first time I had to go down, and will be much of a challenge the second time because of my age, I'm almost 2 years old while writing this! Which is young for a human, but old age for a pig. Well I hope you enjoy my story, and maybe you want to come down and meet me here. From here on out is my adventure. So let's roll.

Chapter One, A Pig With A Plan

I was wandering around on the grassy surface of the earth. With no home, no family, and nowhere to go, just wandering. For days and days, that's all I did. Until I thought, "Why have I spent so much time on the surface of this vast land and not spent time exploring unseen places!" So I go and jump headfirst into the water. I try to make it to the bottom, but I start to run out of breath. I come up wet and really cold."Well that sucked." And so I learned that the ocean was not meant to be explored by pigs. So I wondered if I can dig down like miners do! I later find that this is a very tedious process. So I'll have to find an abandoned mineshaft somewhere or just a plain hole that goes straight down. I find one, realize that jumping into the hole would be suicide, and go to my cave for the night.

Once I'm at the cave I realize how big this discovery might be. So I dig around in the chest that I usually take with me everywhere I go. (It's small so a nomad like me has the ability to do so.) I find a book. EARTH, it's titled. So I take a look at the book, it says that the earth is made up of a few layers. The crust, which is what I'm standing on now. The mantle, 40 km down from me. And then the core, made up of solid metal. And I thought that digging a foot or two down was hard! So now that digging is out of the question. I either need to find an abandoned mineshaft, or a volcano. Because the book also said that volcanic tubes 1/50 lead to the center of the earth! Although if I go down the wrong volcano, well then I'm pork chops. Which is never a good thing because then this book would not be found. The odds of that are very bad though and that's never the best thing to think about while doing this so I think I'm going to sleep on this, and see what's up tomorrow.

Volcano Failure

I've thought this volcano thing over. It seems like a bad idea, but if I succeed it will be the greatest discovery in pig kind. Which will put me in a very great posting for the rest of my life. Live in a nice house in the center of the Earth, have some very nice friends to live in a neighborhood. So I am going to pack up my stuff and go find myself a volcano. As I wander the land looking for volcanos I find my first volcano. It's pretty small though, so I doubt it leads to the center of the earth. I climb up the volcano, which is taking way too much time as I see the sun directly over top of me. Meaning I don't have to much time left today. I look at the volcano. It's really old and ends shortly down the interior. Moving on, I find two volcanoes almost side by side. A cool thing to happen, So I climb up this volcano, which is steeper than it's twin. Hopefully I don't have to climb that one separately considering I can just peer into the pit when I finish climbing this one. At the peak of the first volcano, I see nothing inside the volcano. I peer over the edge of the second volcano and hope for the best. I see a faint orange glow at the bottom. It's lava! As I'm trying to get a better look at the lava I slip and the ground falls out beneath me. As I say my last prayers and scream like a piglet, I hit the lava. Instantly turning crispy. Or not? This lava is cold. Plus I'm not a pork chop. Looking up the hole I originally fell through is hundreds of feet above me. I see a small underwater tunnel in the lava. I swim into the tunnel and after a while I start falling up, as if gravity was reversed. I keep rising closer and closer to the murky ceiling? Or maybe it's the ground on the other side. I start to slow down in the middle of the water flow but keep swimming with all of my might. I break free of the waters current and keep going the towards the murky surface. I oddly squirm my way through the last few feet of the water and break out. In front of me is a cave and I decided to go into it. Even though there might be monsters. Noises start to come from the end of the tunnel. Running as fast as I can, I hit a ledge. Looking over it is an entire city populated by pigs. "Now for my way back up."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2011 ⏰

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