Chapter 11: Kei Valancia

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"I am slightly horrified that Draven would mention me to someone as crazy as you. Correction, I am immensely horrified that he mentioned me at all." Wow, she had a powerful right hook for such a petite woman but the pain quickly subsided.

"He loves me. Besides, Draven isn't the one to do this." Her grip on my neck tightened and I simply rolled my eyes. Seriously, it was like a child trying to choke me. No wait, that's offensive to kids. But then her words only confirmed what I already knew.

"Man this conversation became so boring. Oh wait, it was always boring. Now, why don't you turn yourself in like a good little psychotic girl or we can play. I would choose the second choice." I grinned wickedly and she just snarled in my face.

"I'm the one in control. Your boy toy won't be able to help. Same goes for that dumb fleabag of an alpha." I tsked and shook my head as if I were disappointed.

"Oh dear, you're not only psychotic but an idiot." I raised my arm and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry, maybe a good beating will fix you right up."

"You-" I cut her off by reaching up and gripping the collar of her shirt, throwing my head forward and head butting her hard. She let out a cry before her grip loosened and I pushed her away.

"Kei! How do we put this thing down?" I noticed that to be Brad's voice and I didn't look up.

"Oh don't worry. I'll bring down justice upon her like a freaking tsunami." I cracked my knuckles as I stood over her.

"We don't know what she can do. Kei get this thing down." This coming from an angered Ryker. Why is it so fun to push Ryker to his limits with his temper?

Maybe because it's hilarious and he sounds so irresistible when his voice gets all deep. I had to agree with Rei on this one.

True true. Now, let's have some fun. I smiled evilly.

You are going to enjoy this way too much.

Probably, I responded before I reached out and gripped her leg, pulling her towards me. She screeched like a banshee as her clawed hands swiped at my face.

"Woah there. You're quite feisty aren't you," I remarked, staring at her in amusement.

"I'll kill you," she hissed, leaping up onto her feet. I popped my neck.

"Didn't Draven tell you anything? Sweetie, you're just an annoying fly to me." She roared and it shook the room around us. I watched her ugly form bend and charge right at me. I dodged her attack, causing her to blow past me and ram into the wall instead.

"Too slow sweet pea." She shrieked and crimson spilled around her. That sure was a lot of hate coming from such a small body.

"Awe, I hate you too!" I cooed at her, blowing a kiss and a wink in her direction.

"Kei be serious!" I heard Ryker pound against the invisible wall.

"I am serious. Sort of." His loud growl made me sigh. "Fine," I muttered in a pout before striding over to the woman. She hissed and spat, crouched down into a defensive position. I stood just a few feet away, my legs shoulder apart and my arms crossed.

"Since it seems like I can't have my fun, I might as well make this quick," I grumbled grumpily before holding my hand out and forming a ball of power in my palm. It glowed in the darkness, a white electrifying orb that would stun her into a deep sleep for a while.

"Alright doggie, it's time to play catch." She only growled and made a move towards me. Unlucky for her, I already 'saw' this move and pulled my arm back as if I was a baseball pitcher and chucked it right at her face. She didn't even see it coming.

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