2nd hour

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After that Oswald had taken me out of school and walked me to the store across the street. Though Oswald had done nothing wrong everyone looked at him weird which made me mad. Since he was wearing that suit. 

"Can you help me"Oswald asked. I didn't understand what he was wanting help from me for.

"With what honey"I asked holding Oswald's hands.

"Get me out of Arkham asylum"Oswald asked.

"Didn't you tell me that you had three months left there"I asked. 

"Yes"Oswald said upset.

"Then complete it. You know I will be here for you when you get out. I will never leave you no matter what others may think about or say about you. I love you"I said. Oswald gave me a puppy dog face, but when they were hurt. I felt so bad for him, but I wanted the best for him as well. I wanted him to be able to walk the streets of Gotham not as a wanted man. Always having to look behind his back to make sure that no one is after him.  

"But I won't be able to last that long without you"Oswald complained. I couldn't stand hearing him like this, but i had to remember it was for his best.

"Yes you will"I said then adding"and besides I will try to visit you every time I can". I could smell the cologne Oswald had used this morning. I loved that smell. For some reason it smelled like home to me. Like as if i had a father who I loved instead or never having a father in my life. I could see Oswald's eyes gleam and even twinkle when he looked at me as if he was happy to be around me and was only then. Oswald walked me around the store telling me what I would look good in as if we were a normal couple. Which kinda made me laugh cause i knew deep down inside that we would never be a normal couple. Plus I knew that would never come true because in the worlds eyes we would both be forever insane and supper criminals. To me it would never matter, but to others it would. Like to the press that would probably always be hounding us down just to know what was happening in our lives. It would never end. The searching and hunting. The wanting so hard to be normal, but knowing that would never come.

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