Your here!?! How?

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I was in my first hour sitting next to stormy as usual since she was my best friend. Stormy had short black hair and light green eyes. She was at least five feet tall and could basically pass off as Oswald's sister if anyone didn't know any better. As for me I had long light green hair with light red eyes since I would wear contacts more often than not. Plus I was at least five feet three inches tall.  I took out my phone and checked my email like I did almost every couple of hours. Oswald Cobblepot didn't answer still. I was kind of unhappy about that, but I could still wait. Maybe he hadn't got up yet and was still sleeping.

"Who are you" the man  asked. I looked over at the doorstep. It was a man in a black and white jumpsuit. He had shaggy black hair, light blue eyes, and freckles across his nose. Two men were next to him. Though I was for sure the guys were suppose to guard him. The guy walked up to me as if he was he had done this so many times in his and maybe not something new. All of a sudden he bent down and kissed me. Then he put his hand on the bottom of my chin still kissing me. Then Oswald leaned away. 

"Surprise babe" was all that Oswald said. I was at loss for words. How could this be possible? I thought people who were Arkham weren't suppose to leave even for a day. I was happy though because for once i got to see him in the real world and not in some place; i didn't even know.

"You answered my email" was all I could say to make it not anymore awkward than what it was already. Oswald took my hand and pulled me up from my seat. I bumped into Oswald's chest. Even though I bumped into him, he didn't seem to mind in fact he held me close to his body. Which caused my hair fell in front of my face. He pulled my hair out of my face and pulled in behind my ear. 

"Let's go for a walk shall we"" Oswald said basically his voice dripping with confidence.

"Ok" I said hearing some of my classmates giggling and whispering. I followed Oswald outside of the classroom.

"I got you some milk"Oswald said pointing to a frozen bottle of milk. I didn't pick it up; I just kept walking with him. It was kinda our inside joke.

"So why didn't you email me back" I asked curious. Oswald chuckled a little.

"Because I don't wait by the computer all my life"Oswald said through chuckles. I couldn't help but laugh too; what was i thinking that he would answer all my emails since he had more important things to do. Though it was odd that he was here, but I decided to think nothing of it. Which made me think more of it.

"Why are you here for"I asked finally not standing my curiosity any longer. It was like the curiosity was killing me. Which is irony considering the fact that is how Oswald ended up in Arkham in the first place. 

"Well I got today out because of good behavior"Oswald said then adding" and I decided to hang out with you considering the fact that you are my girlfriend". Then taking out a piece of paper from his back pocket. He handed me the piece of paper. That said what Oswald told me. It seemed crazy, but it was real. 

"So what do you there for good behavior"I asked.

"Well for one you allow them to brain wash you. Make your fake bed, eat enough food, don't get into fights, and most of all don't go insane"Oswald said dripping with sarcasm.

"Good. I thought it would be worse"I said back with as much sacrasm. With that both me and Oswald were laughing again. It felt safe as if me and Oswald had hung out for years. Like we were meant to be together out of everything.

A way out (fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang