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His arm was wrapped around a sleek body, his wrist rested atop her slender shoulder, rubbing the silk cloth between his fingers, teasing the girl in his embrace. She leans over, strands tracing her face, her lower lip rested between her teeth.

"Take some, handsome," she sucks air between her teeth, clenching her jaw and let's out a smile. She holds a pill between her fingers and pushes it toward his mouth. His fingers wrap around her wrist and he lets out a smile, sitting his can on the ground in front of him.

"No thanks, sweetheart," he purses his lips and looks forward as she drops back in her seat in frustration, looking toward the boy on her left and engaging in a conversation that he couldn't seem to keep up with. He bends down to bring the dark can back up to his lips and eyes the woman across from him.

Her lips were full and so was her engulfing laugh, she let it out every time the man beside her said something, he couldn't tell if it was fake or not- but God- it took him. He thought it was as sexy as the red dress she wore, cut low and stunning, just as her eyes were each time she glanced across at him. Her hair was in waves, brown highlights swam through them along with her fingers, they ran through the loose curls every now and then as she was deep in her conversation. Her skin was dark, it seemed to glow in the flashing lights, which made it hard to see the two, but he could already tell she was one of the most beautiful girls he had seen.

He brought the can to his lips once more, it crinkled below his grasp, almost empty, and pulled it away, swiping his lips with the quick flick of his tongue. He the stood up, quickly pulling his pants upward, which fell loosely around his frame, and walked toward the bathroom.

Smells filled his nose, good and bad, and fumes fogged his sight, much thicker than in the previous room he sat in. He reached a room, light shown through the cracks, he could hear moans from within and he let out a sigh," man, what the fuck?" He pounded the ball of his fist onto the weak wooden door. The two called back, slurring their words that were filled with profanities. His black boot his the bottom of the door and he yelled a curse back before walking into the next room across from the occupied one.

People sat around, holding blunts in their hands, others sat with girls in their laps or alcohol in their grasps. "Is their another bathroom in here?"

A girl looked at the boy she sat on, placing a hand on his shoulder and throwing her head back, letting out a drawn laugh. The paper sat between her middle and index finger, she gripped the back of his neck with her thumb and the rest," baby," she couldn't help but laugh from the cannabis," Lauren and Michael are in there," her eyebrows pushed together furiously and she sucked air through his teeth. The blonde haired man looked up at Zayn, furrowing his own and letting out a laugh himself. He pointed at him, leaning over the girl and pushed his lips together before kicking them.

"They're in there, man," he roared, unable to contain himself.

"Yeah, but is there any-"

"No there aren't, go outside like the rest of us. Nothin' we can do about it, you're no exception," the girl that had finally spoke up sat on her knees, un phased by the smoke.

"Oh, okay. Uh- is there one up the street?"

"He's a king or somethin'," she slapped the guy beside him with the back of her hand, he flinched at the action but ended up letting out a laugh," just go outside, or are you scared to get your shit dirty?"

Zayn let out a breath and walked back down the hall, out of the fog, spotting the girl, now on the couch he once sat on. The blonde had left, but his seat still sat untouched. He took it once again and stared back at the door, contemplating leaving the place that he always longed to come to.

"Hey, where did you get that drink?" The girl spoke up, pointing past him down at the door.

He snapped his head over quickly, surprised by the words, pursing his lips and wetting them before he spoke," oh," he furrowed his eyebrows," you- uh- see that cooler over there," he pointed, if held ice and various energy drinks," it's got a big M on it, you know?" He made an M with his fingers and she smiled.

"Thanks," she giggled a bit and walked over to the cooler, looking back at the man as she bent over, he directed his attention to her and nodded his head. Zayn sat back on the couch and crossed his arms and sighed. She walked back, handing it to the bulky man and took her seat, the guy went back to conversing with a man across from him.

"So, what brings you here?" She laces her fingers together, smiling up at him and glancing back at the man behind her.

"Nothing like the rest, these free drinks though," he motioned to the can on the ground," those have to be my addiction," he laughed at his own joke and she let out one herself," what about yourself?"

"My guy, Darrell, he's in town for the night, I stay in New York myself, but he wanted to relax after a show of his. And energy drinks, huh? No more of that weed, not even beer?" She cocked her head and questioned, a smart ass smirk on her face. Zayn looked past her, connecting the words and names she told and studied the man and then his tattoos, he then looked back at her, squinting, then realizing.

"Darrell Mantis? Oh my god," he couldn't contain his excitement, the woman leaned back with a laugh, pushing her head against the cushion.

"Yeah," she sat up, running her hands through her hair," but you don't remember me, I can't really blame you though, we smoked every time we were together."

"Alora?" His smile was wide and his face lit up, fond memories of the girl flooded his mind, some hook ups and some smoking, but he always felt that the girl was one of his closest friends. She nodded and smiled back," you should come here more often," he suggested, hopeful to meet up again.

"I do, just usually in the back room."

Zayn raised his eyebrows and smiled, letting out a chuckle and she joined in, resting her hand on his knee.

"It's crazy though, you're sober now? Man, I would've never guessed that back then, I mean I'm off some stuff, but you, you were up there every night, even with out me."

"Lucozade is the only drug I take now."

"I might be able to change that."

** This story may be slow because I am currently working on two other stories, if you could please check those now, but when I do this story I plan to put every thing I have into it. Thanks!

Lucozade |z.m|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz