Me No Like Tags

28 3 0

I really don't
(Probably cuz I'm too lazy :P)


I was tagged by _Annabeth_Jackson_

Here's 20 random facts that some people might already know...or might not

1. Tags just aren't my thing.

2. I have no true idea why...

3. I can be such a Grammar Nazi sometimes that I just don't understand it.

4. I mostly manage to be that kind of person outside of Wattpad, so...

5. I'm rambling.

6. Tbh, I don't really hate tags. (I know. What the heck am I saying)

7. I just don't like the time it takes to do them.

8. I'm confusing like that.

9. And I don't care.

10. I'm shrugging right now.

11. I should be finished with Allegiant by now.

12. But I'm not.

13. I ramble a lot.

14. Like this.

15. I said hi just now.

16. I skipped #6.

17. I think you checked.

18. I also think I was right.

19. I also think that a lot of you didn't check because you knew I was lying.

20. Lastly, I think I'm weird. And I'm okay with that.


There you go.

I tag:
Every single person who thinks they should be tagged, or whoever wants to.

I'm not specific about my tagging because there might be some out there, like me, who don't really like doing these...


Good bye


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