Chapter 2 - Beach!

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Makoto sat on the usual steps around Haruka's house. He would sit there while he waited for his friend, and if he had to, he'd go over to get him. Sighing, he rested his elbow on his thigh, and his chin in the palm of his hand. He had woken up early so he could finish packing, causing him to yawn and blink away the sleep. 

A soft mewing cry caught his attention and he looked down, a small white kitten was rolling around on the step. He chuckled and rubbed the creatures chin, listening to him purr. He tilted his head, his hand covering his smile, and scratched the furry animal’s belly. The pads of it's paws swatted at his hand playfully,

Makoto looked up suddenly to see Haruka with a couple bags with him. He stared and climbed the steps to meet him. "Are you ready to go, Haru?" Haruka nodded and they walked together, going towards the main road to the docks, where they would either wait for the others, or meet them. "Are you excited for this vacation, Haru?"

Haruka nodded slightly. "Yeah." Makoto smiled, enjoying himself. Even though his friend doesn't say much a lot, he really liked having these conversations with him. He looked forward and noticed a short boy with blonde hair walking around, his arms out like he was walking a tight-rope. 

"Nagisa!" Makoto called, waving his arm around in the air. The boy turned and a grin formed, his arm waving back. The two hurried over to him, and Makoto noticed his things sitting at the dock. "How long have you been here? Did Gou say when she was coming by?"

Nagisa shook his head. "But Rei said he'd be here soon. I think he's excited to go too!" 

Makoto smiled. "Well, that's good. Now we just have to wait on Gou. I hope she gets here soon." He looked down at his phone for the time and then looked back up, hoping he'd be able to see her. Sadly though, he could see no sign of her, but Rei was heading towards them, his arms crossed and looking at the ground.

"Rei, what's the matter?" Makoto asked as he got closer, worried his friend might be sick.

Rei looked up and his cheeks turned pink. "I couldn't find my swimsuit... so I had to grab the speedo." 

Nagisa laughed, throwing his arms into the air. Rei frowned and started yelling at him, and Makoto just chuckled, watching them. Quickly his eyes moved away from them to see two people heading towards them.

Gou smiled as she reached them, her hand held tightly to her brothers. Rin had his eyes narrowed, watching them. "Sorry we are late! Brother wouldn't listen to me when I said I was told to bring my suit." Nagisa looked at her, his expression serious. "Of course I brought it!" She laughed nervously, smiling though.

"Since we are all here, I think it's time for us to leave." They all nodded, looking rather excited. Rin watched Makoto, who just smiled and tilted his head. He noticed too, that the siblings hadn't let go of each other's hand. 


"I just love the beach! Isn't this beautiful?" Gou grinned, looking out at the island and buildings. She took off her shoes and started stepping around in the sand. 

Rin sighed, holding his bag. "Yes, it is. Now please, let's go get our room."

Makoto turned to them, watching as she pouted and slipped her shoes back on. Nagisa hurried over and took her hands. "Gou, come swimming with me!" He smirked and looked back at her impatient brother. "Is that alright, Rin?"

Rin made a 'tsk' sound before rolling his eyes and walking away. Makoto watched him go sadly, but then he turned to Haruka. He was already in the water, swimming around. Letting out a breath, he looked at Rei, who was still looking uneasy from the trip over, but he just held up a thumb.

"Come on, Mako! Gou is going to swim with us!" 

"It's Kou!" She growled, being dragged away. Luckily for most of them, leaving out Haruka, the change area was close by, where they all changed into their suits. Makoto stepped out in his usual black and green and he turned, waiting for the others. "Do I really have to come out?"

Nagisa hurried out of the room and shouted to where she was. "Of course, now come out or I'll come in!"

She shrieked and stumbled out of the room, her arms shielding whatever they could. She wore a simple pink top with light blue polka dots, and matching bottoms. Nagisa's smile grew wide and he hugged her, spinning her around. 

"Wow Gou! You look really cute! Right, Makoto?"

Makoto's eyes had widened as he stared, and his heart was beating quickly. Nodding, he averted his eyes. "Yes, I believe so." When he looked back, she had the same expression she did yesterday before she left, and this time, she grabbed Nagisa and pulled him to the water. He sighed, watching them. He keeps doing something wrong, but he doesn't know what.

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