"So... What was so important you had to steal me away in resus?" Connie closed the office door and locked it before wandering over to a knowing Jacob. "What you said earlier-" "Jealous Beauchamp? Because I could totally work with that."

She shook her head sighing as she continued nearing him. "No, the other part..." "About you and sex?" He raised an eyebrow at her before closing the space between them and lifting her up. His arms wrapped around her as his lips pressed onto hers.

Connie let her arms fall around his shoulders as she kissed him back. He stumbled towards her sofa tripping slightly but landing on the chair. Connie laughed as she let her head fall back while Jacob looked at her.

"I could be seriously hurt right now you know. I could have broken something-" "Aww, shall I get you a doctor?" Connie continued to laugh as Jacob grabbed her waist beginning to tickle her. She moved suddenly causing them both to tumble to the floor, Connie landing on top of Jacob.

He looked up at her as she slowly stopped laughing. "You're really out to hurt me today aren't you?" "I love you if that helps." Jacob smiled as he wrapped his arms around her properly as her lips caressed his.

"You really meant that when you said it before?" Connie rested her arms against his chest letting her head balance on them while she nodded. "I thought it was a spur of the moment thing." He ran a finger lightly across her cheek before brushing her hair back behind her ear.

She caught his hand before lacing her fingers through his. "Jacob I promised myself I would never fall in love with anyone again, especially someone I had to work with. Yet here I am telling everyone I haven't fallen for you, but not even I believe that anymore."

He didn't break the gaze he had with her as she continued speaking. "I love you, so much more than I ever wanted to Jacob." Someone knocking at the door caused Connie to sit up until Jacob caught her hand.

She looked back to him as he sat opposite before his lips collided with hers. His hand became tangled in her hair as someone knocked at the door once again. "Mrs Beauchamp?" Connie groaned quietly at hearing Elle's voice.

She was the last person Connie wanted to see right now. Connie glanced sideways noticing that they would be out of view down here from the window. Turning back to Jacob she pushed down on his shoulders as her lips resumed their place on his.

Elle gave up knocking on her office door and headed back to the nurses' station. "Mrs Beauchamp is otherwise engaged so seeing as Dr Keogh is with a patient I'll lead this one." After briefing everyone she took charge within resus with the incoming patients.

In her office Jacob's uniform had been messily thrown onto the sofa while she straddled his waist. His hands slipped inside the blouse which was now hanging open and ran across her stomach. Connie's hands were pressed to his bare chest as she moaned against his lips.

"I never replied to you-" "What?" Connie looked down at him as he sat up. "I love you too." A smile graced her features as he placed a hand in her hair and kissed her. It wasn't desperate as it had been before but gentle. It was different to anything they'd ever shared before, it took her back to the first time she'd kissed him in her office.

Connie let her hands rise to his cheeks as she deepened it slowly. It was as though her admittance of how she felt had opened her up to something completely different with Jacob. He knelt up before carefully laying Connie down to the floor and leaning above her.

The couple were interrupted 45 minutes later by a phone call. Connie finished buttoning her blouse as Jacob snaked his arms around her waist. She reached for her phone on the desk answering it. "Mrs B-" "Beauchamp where have you been? Your department has been overrun with casualties and Dr Gardner has been leading making all the decisions."

"Excuse me?" Jacob loosened his hold on Connie knowing that whatever she'd been told had affected her. Slamming the phone down she picked up her mobile before walking to the door. Jacob followed her out across the department.

He kept pace with Connie confused as to what had happened. "Sweet cheeks, should I be worried?" Connie ignored him and charged into resus. "Dr Gardner, a word outside?" She left again as quickly as she'd come causing Jacob to catch her before she moved again.

Elle emerged from resus standing by the nurses' station where a few others had gathered not wanting to miss out on what they were expecting to be explosive between the pair. "Tell me what's happened-" "Nothing. Just trust me Jacob." He looked at her surprised when she stepped closer and kissed him.

Jacob watched in confusion as she walked towards everyone else. "Well that answers one of my questions." Cal muttered to Rita but it didn't go unnoticed. "Something to say Dr Knight?" He shrugged looking towards her. "Was just thinking it was about time."

Connie looked at him. "For a change I agree with what comes out of your mouth." She turned her attention to Elle leaving more than one person shocked with her behaviour. "Dr Gardner-" "Look you were otherwise occupied and we needed to treat the patients that were coming in. We couldn't just leave them." Something finally clicked for Connie as she stood opposite the other consultant.

"Have you finished?" Elle looked to Connie in shock ready to respond before Connie spoke again. "I was going to say you did well today. You did what you thought needed to be done and saved a patient's life in the process. Well done." Connie wandered away before anybody could say a word.

Elle watched on in shock before Cal spoke the words everyone was thinking. "What. Just. Happened?" "Your guess is as good as mine." Elle looked to Cal before they all carried on with what they'd been doing before. None of them realising that Connie's life had been made an awful lot easier thanks to Elle's actions.

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