Chapter 1

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The late winter breeze hit my face as I hugged my hoodie tighter. I shield away my face, trying to blend in with the other students walking up to the gates of hell. Sorry excuse my French, I meant school. Trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, I made my way to my locker. "Nothing better than a Monday morning" I mumbled to myself. Apparently I wasn't to only one who was annoyed about going to school because the rest of the student body were walking around like zombies too.

Well, that's life in high school for ya.

Ugh. Just saying that makes my want to crawl back to my bed.

The only thing that is keeping me from doing that would be the café here at Falton Private School that sells my drug... Coffee of course.

What were you thinking?

Oh and the perfect attendance and grades I have to maintain; so I'm kind of like your typical good girl.

Sue me.

But besides that, I would describe this place a living hell (as I mentioned before), prison, and a place where you're labeled in this fine high school hierarchy. You could be labeled... popular, jock, misfit, wallflower, geek, or nerd. Now I, personally would love to be labeled one if those but no, I'm the "weird girl".

Wow that sounds like so much fun!

Note my sarcasm.

But really, who would want to actually be labeled just to stand out? Um never mind I already know. But who am I kidding? I would! Being a wallflower and the "weird girl" aren't exactly the things I was hoping to be.

But it must be some life thing everyone experiences some point in life. Right?


Well from personal experience, I, Rose Williams, officially hate it to the guts. I couldn't be more excited for school to end. Thank goodness its second semester during my senior year because suddenly my day got even worse.

Walking towards me was the one and only Miss Tiffany Campbell with of course her fake lookalikes for my daily torture right before school. Cliché much.

"Hello slut" she greets in her high scratchy voice.

Whoa wait, rewind... what? She calls me a slut when she is wearing barely any clothing? I mean with that skirt that leaves little imagination and a tight crop so you can see her boobs popping out; I'm surprised she wasn't dress coded yet. Not to mention I'M WEARING AN OVER SIZED HOODIE AND SWEATPANTS!! Two words to describe her: Stupid and disgusting. But of course I couldn't say that out loud.

If you haven't realize by now, Tiffany is what you would call the "Queen Bee" or what I would like to call her "a royal bitch", at this school and unfortunately she's exactly like those popular girls you would read in stories. She shows up every day with thick makeup caked on her face and a slutty "designer" outfit with desperation all over her. The only reason why no one would dare stand against her is because her daddy is a big-shot lawyer. So of course she sees anyone whose status is lower than her's is inferior. This is why she picks me, one of the students who is here on scholarship, to make my life here... well, miserable.

"Did you not hear me?" Tiffany said interrupting my thoughts. She must have thought I was ignoring her because the next thing I knew is being pushed against the lockers by her whole she digs her talon nails into my flesh. Believe me when I say it hurts like crazy. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Tiffany asked as her minions snickered.

I surpassed the urge to roll my eyes and was about to reply when I heard a voice behind Tiffany, "Hey babe." Tiffany turned around and smiled at Mason West, the prince at this school or would he be considered as king...? Ehh you get me point.

He has the whole school in the palm of his hands because his uncle is the headmaster. Not to mention he is actually smart (shocker right?) and is quite athletic. So basically he can break every rule and create chaos while he barely gets in trouble. Apparently that gave him a bad boy reputation which makes all the girls except me swoon. Anyways, back to reality...

"Hi Mase" Tiffany said in what seems like a seductive tone before she kissed him. Actually, let me rephrase that, before she attacked him and stuck her tongue down his throat. Which I think is absolutely disgusting because you can actually see the salvia being exchanged between them. They must have forgotten I was there because he started reaching up her shirt and began to moan. Gosh can't they at least do this on their free time or find a closet to do this. Nobody wants to see you groping her. I was about to walk away from this awkward scene but Mason pulled away as if noticing my existence.

"Well isn't it the school nerd" he smirked "I know I'm attractive and all but you don't need to drool."

Ok sure when I first saw him I thought he was cute but that was before I found out he was a cocky, arrogant douche. Key word: BEFORE.

"I don't blame you though; I mean who wouldn't want to get some of this." See what I mean arrogant.

"Oh if only you knew who I really am then you would of known I've seen better." I thought. Let me tell little secret, my name is actually Misty Thorn and I'm one of Hollywood's top model. And before you get confused about who Rose Williams is, she's me, well technically. She's just my cover so I can go out, like to this school, without getting noticed. Unfortunately, part of being Rose, I have to wear a disguise, which is my dull brunette wig and my colored contacts.

"Aww look at her, she looks so flustered." That was all I needed to snap back to reality.

By the time I realize I was just staring back at them, Tiffany and Mason both pushed pass me probably going to a closet to pick up where they left off. I was left with my mouth half open and my face red as a tomato because of all the stares I got from small crowd that gathered.

"Yep just another typical day", I thought as I got my stuff out of my locker and walked to my first class.


Authors note

Hey everyone

So here's a little background information about Misty/Rose's daily life.

Tell me what you think of the story so far!!

I also want to thank you for reading!!!

Don't be afraid to.......



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