1 Llama

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Dear pink llama named bob,

You are going to be my jurnal for now on. I have created you MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

So pink llama named bob i think i should tell a lil bit of myself.

I have pink hair that is choppy. Yep pink the same color as you. My bangs cover one of my eyes and go into a fringe.

My eyes are a dark dark brown. They almost look black. But i always wear contacts to cover them.

I always wear a blue mask that covers half of my face. From my chin to above my nose. 

Im 5 ft and 1 in tall. Now lets talk about my peircings.

I have 3 on each of my ear. I did those one myself . Then i have my snake bites , I also did those myself .  But for my tounge and belly i got them done profesh.

Now onto my personality. Blah this is bor. shhhhhhhhh brain shut up no one asked you. ONWARDS MY LOVLY LLAMA.

Im nice, funny , and wild. Dont forget to mention that your also crazy. SHUT UP YOU BUTTHOLE.

I can be mean and scary is you mess with me or someone i care about :).
Im not afraid to kill some one very slowly and painful. I wont care if im caught and locked up :). 

See you are crazy. SHUT UP OR I'LL CUT YOU. Geez ok i'll shut up........ For now.

I know the best way to annoy some one in works every single time hehe. I know all the best ways to anno someone. So watch llama hehe.

Im bod.........Don't you mean bord.
Yes so wht i say bod instead for it.

Well pink llama i'll right more later i want to go skate.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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